[DCRM-L] Fw: [MLA-L] Two new MLA LCGFT resources available

Schneider, Nina nschneider at humnet.ucla.edu
Wed Jun 10 20:01:02 MDT 2015

Of potential interest...

Nina Schneider, Chair
Bibliographic Standards Committee

William Andrews Clark Memorial Library
University of California, Los Angeles
2520 Cimarron Street
Los Angeles, CA  90018

(323) 731-8529
nschneider at humnet.ucla.edu

From: Vermeij, Hermine
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 4:48 PM
To: Mack, Amanda; Beck, Melissa M.; Cataloging & Metadata Center; Cheng, Hong; Doss, Annette; Fletcher, Jain; Jamison, Jina; Johnson, Russell; McGarry, Dorothy; Russell, Maureen; Schneider, Nina; Shafer, Sharon; Stumps, Rita; Wade, Ken
Subject: FW: [MLA-L] Two new MLA LCGFT resources available

FYI. Please excuse duplication.

From: luboy326 at hotmail.com [mailto:luboy326 at hotmail.com] On Behalf Of Casey
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 4:45 PM
To: mla-l at indiana.edu; moug-l at lsv.uky.edu
Subject: [MLA-L] Two new MLA LCGFT resources available

[Cross-posted; please excuse duplication]


The MLA Cataloging and Metadata Committee is pleased to announce the availability of two new resources for users of the new terms for music resources in the Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms for Library and Archival Materials (LCGFT):

1) MLA Best Practices for Using LCGFT for Music Resources (version 1.0).
This resource is intended to help catalogers apply LCGFT music terms in the interim period between the release of the terms and the publication of best practices for LCGFT in the forthcoming Library of Congress genre/form terms manual. It will be updated on an ongoing basis until the aforementioned manual is available. Suggested additions or questions may be directed to the Chair of the MLA-CMC, Vocabularies Subcommittee (Casey Mullin, casey at mullingroup.com<mailto:casey at mullingroup.com>) or the Chair of MLA-CMC (Beth Iseminger, beth.iseminger at gmail.com<mailto:beth.iseminger at gmail.com>).

2) A hierarchical view of music terms in LCGFT.
By popular request, this document shows all of the currently-available LCGFT music terms in one linear hierarchical listing. Terms that overlap into other sections within LCGFT (e.g., general terms, literature terms) are also shown in those contexts. This resource is intended to complement the interactive environments--Classification Web, LC Authorities, LC Linked Data Service, OCLC Connexion--where LCGFT terms are already available. As the music vocabulary within LCGFT grows and develops, this document will be updated as appropriate.

Both documents are available from this webpage: http://www.musiclibraryassoc.org/page/cmc_genremediumproj

Casey Mullin
Chair, MLA-BCC Vocabularies Subcommittee

Casey A. Mullin
Music Cataloger
New York Public Library

"Those who need structured and granular data and the precise retrieval that results from it to carry out research and scholarship may constitute an elite minority rather than most of the people of the world (sadly), but that talented and intelligent minority is an important one for the cultural and technological advancement of humanity. It is even possible that if we did a better job of providing access to such data, we might enable the enlargement of that minority."
-Martha Yee

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