[DCRM-L] Unrecognized variant?

Barbara Tysinger btysingr at email.unc.edu
Tue Mar 22 12:23:04 MDT 2016

Hello All,

I think I may have an unrecognized variant of /De la prothèse immédiate, 
appliquée a la résection des maxillaires/ (1889) by Claude Martin.

The records in OCLC all have the pagination as x, 440 pages, but the 
copy I have is vi, 440 pages, the Roman numerals in both cases 
representing the preface.

Compared to the digitized copy at The Internet Archive ( 
http://archive.org/stream/delaprothseimm00mart#page/n9/mode/2up ), the 
content of the preface in my copy is the same, but is set in a smaller 
font, taking less space. The title page, colophon, and main text block 
appear to be the same.

Is this a variation worthy of a new record? Or should I use the existing 
NLM record in OCLC, and just make a change in the local catalog (with 
appropriate notation, of course).

...................All opinions are entirely my own....................

Barbara R. Tysinger                                Phone: (919)966-0949
Health Sciences Library                            Fax: (919)966-1388
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
335 S. Columbia Street, CB# 7585
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7585
e-mail: Barbara_Tysinger at unc.edu

......."Non pilus tam tenuis ut secari non possit."-- St. Minutia......

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