[DCRM-L] RDA or DCRM(B)? abbreviations, brackets, and errors

Joan Milligan jmilligan1 at udayton.edu
Mon Jul 3 09:55:17 MDT 2017

Hello, everyone,

I’m new to this list and new to DCRM(B), so forgive me if you’ve had this
discussion before. I know RDA is in flux and therefore decisions about its
relationship to DCRM(B) is not complete. I'd be interested in common
practice, however.

(In addition to looking at an 040) I can recognize an RDA and DCRM(B) bib
by these things:

1. Use of 264 fields

2. Use of 33Xs

3. Additional access points (such as "Recording Relationships between
Works, Expressions, Manifestations, & Items.")

However, I am less sure about the relationship between RDA and DCRM(B) in
these examples (meaning, which one overrides the other?):

1. Spell out words: I’ve been using “pages” not “p.” and “illustrations”
not “ill,” as I have seen in examples. But the BIBCO Standard Record: RDA
Metadata Application File says “Use Descriptive Cataloging of Rare
Materials as the “designated published style manual” in place of
instructions given under RDA 1.72-1.79 for transcribing punctuation,
numerals, symbols, abbreviations, etc. “ Therefore, shouldn’t I be using
“p.” and “ill.”?

2. Similarly, do people use "[12] p." or “12 unnumbered pages”? DCRM(B)
5B3.1 and RDA

3.  Errors in titles, for example. DCRM(B) 0G7, 5B7.2, etc., say to use
[i.e. …] or [sic]. RDA says transcribe as is, adding an access point for
the version with the error (2.3.14).

I appreciate your feedback!


Joan Milligan
Special Collections Cataloger
University of Dayton Libraries
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469-1360
jmilligan1 at udayton.edu
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