[DCRM-L] DCRM-L as a teaching tool p.s.

Deborah J. Leslie DJLeslie at FOLGER.edu
Fri Jun 30 12:18:39 MDT 2017

Link to the audio of the seminar: http://rbms.info/conferences2/preconfdocs/2016/talks/Seminar_Succession-Planning-for-Rare-Materials-Cataloging.mp3

Deborah J. Leslie | Folger Shakespeare Library | djleslie at folger.edu |

From: Deborah J. Leslie
Sent: Friday, 30 June, 2017 14:17
To: 'DCRM Users' Group'
Subject: DCRM-L as a teaching tool

Dear cataloging colleagues,

In an effort to provide more help and ongoing training in rare materials cataloging, I'd like to use this list to post and respond to questions that arise from my Rare Book School courses<http://rarebookschool.org/courses/library/l30/>. (For background, refer to the RBMS 2016 Conference seminar on "Succession Planning for Rare Materials Cataloging," where I argue that good cataloging is a community endeavor.)

In the past, I'd encourage my students to post queries to DCRM-L, but if they were hesitant, to send them to me first. If they were yes-and-no, right-and-wrong sorts of questions, I'd answer them privately. If they involved matters of practice, &c., I'd encourage them to post to DCRM-L. I think other list members-especially the less-experienced-would find this useful.

I think we can do this without changing the nature of DCRM-L as a low-volume, high-relevance list. An exemplar of such a post follows.


Deborah J. Leslie, MA, MLS | Senior Cataloger, Folger Shakespeare Library | djleslie at folger.edu<mailto:djleslie at folger.edu> | 201 East Capitol Street, S.E. | Washington, DC 20003 | 202.675-0369 | orcid.org 0000-0001-5848-5467

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