[DCRM-L] Treatment of advertisements

Deborah J. Leslie DJLeslie at FOLGER.edu
Fri Jun 30 14:14:52 MDT 2017

Situation: Tendency to include advertisement leaves in physical description instead of copy note

DCRM(B) 5B5.2 makes it clear that for pages containing only advertisements, the default is to treat them as copy-specific unless there is definitive evidence that they were printed as part of the publication text block. Evidence is provided by: integral nature of the adverts to gatherings of text, continuous paging, continuous signatures, or a catchword connecting the adverts to the text. (The last condition will be added to DCRM(B) the next time it is updated.)

For example:

300   ǂa 245, [1] p. <…>
590   ǂa UW-Madison copy: [6] pages of publisher's advertisements at end with caption "List of books recently published by Lee & Shepard."
655 7 ǂa Publishers' advertisements. ǂ2 rbgenr ǂ5 WU

This stricture also applies to machine-press books in publishers' covers. I'm not sure about 20th-century practices, but in the 19th century, advertisements were added to text blocks at the binding stage. An excellent illustration of varying adverts can be found by comparing the several digitized copies of An American girl abroad (1872) available from Hathi Trust: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/005777308.

Deborah J. Leslie, MA, MLS | Senior Cataloger, Folger Shakespeare Library | djleslie at folger.edu | 201 East Capitol Street, S.E. | Washington, DC 20003 | 202.675-0369 | orcid.org 0000-0001-5848-5467

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