[DCRM-L] xii, 17- pages

Jane Stemp Wickenden jane.wickenden at zen.co.uk
Sun Mar 12 17:41:17 MDT 2017

Guess they paginated text for an octavo expecting the preliminaries to be xvi, only to find that the preliminaries arrived with half title and title leaves not numbered , ie xvi - 4 = xii... but I can't explain the recurrence, except as the triumph of hope over experience!


On 12 March 2017 23:04:11 GMT+00:00, "Gemberling, Ted P" <tgemberl at uab.edu> wrote:
>It seems like I've seen this pattern many, many times in old books!
>There are preliminary pages up to xii, and the second series starts
>with 17. Anybody got an idea why that would be? It can't be an
>accident. It's a mysterious aspect of printing to me.
>Ted P. Gemberling
>Historical Collections Cataloger
>UAB Lister Hill Library, rm. 234B
>1720 Second Ave. South
>Birmingham, Ala. 35294-0013
>Phone: (205)934-2461
>Fax: (205)934-3545

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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