[DCRM-L] Production method

Erin Blake erin.blake.folger at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 13:14:25 MDT 2018

Rest assured, others in the community feel the same!

DCRM(Manuscripts) avoids holograph altogether, other than a cross-reference
to "autograph" in the glossary and table of contents.

See DCRM(MSS) 1D1. Material type (physical, creative, and intellectual
status of manuscript) and 1D2. Method of production for permission to use
"manuscript" the way you want to, and acknowledgement that autograph status
and method of production are two different things. Available as a free
download at http://rbms.info/dcrm/dcrmmss/

Best wishes,


Erin C. Blake, Ph.D.  |  Head of Collection Information Services  |  Folger
Shakespeare Library  |  201 E. Capitol St. SE, Washington, DC, 20003  |
eblake at folger.edu  |  office tel. +1 202-675-0323  |  fax +1 202-675-0328
|  www.folger.edu

On Wed, Apr 4, 2018 at 2:09 PM Andrews, Susan <susan.andrews at ubc.ca> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
>   Am I the only one in the rare book cataloguing community who has a
> problem with the term "holograph"?
> I can see the term's use in specialized databases and institutions dealing
> with manuscripts all day long exclusively, but as a cataloguer who
> catalogues a few manuscript books a year, and puts my records into a big
> database of millions of records for mostly published material, I have
> trouble with this term.
> RDA "Recording Production Method"  gives good user-friendly terms
> for most methods of production, but has a big Exception for manuscripts.
>   Anything  "handwritten by the person or persons responsible for the work
> or works" must use the term "holograph"
>   Other handwritten items use the term "manuscript".
> Both our staff and our users are usually completely unfamiliar with the
> term "holograph".
> To me it is illogical that a *method of production* be tied to who is
> doing the producing.  Why do we need two terms?  Isn't "manuscript" good
> enough?  Can’t the rest of the description and the relationship designators
> fill the need to convey who did the handwriting?
> I must be missing something here, so please enlighten me!
> Sue.
> *********************************************
> *Sue Andrews*
> *Principal Cataloguer*
> *University of British Columbia Library*
> *2198 Health Sciences Mall, Vancouver BC V6T 1Z3
> <https://maps.google.com/?q=2198+Health+Sciences+Mall,+Vancouver+BC+V6T+1Z3&entry=gmail&source=g>*
> *Tel. 604-822-4995 <(604)%20822-4995>  Email: susan.andrews at ubc.ca
> <susan.andrews at ubc.ca>*
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