[DCRM-L] Undecipherable dates in DCRM(G)

L'Écuyer-Coelho Marie-Chantal MC.Coelho at banq.qc.ca
Tue Mar 6 13:47:18 MST 2018

[Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec]
Hi all!

I am describing a collograph in black and grey. The artist penned the date in an area printed in tones of grey, so it is completely undecipherable.
Since I have the date on the legal deposit form accompanying the print, I recorded the date in square bracket ([Québec, Québec], [2012]) and wrote a note to indicate that the date appears, in fact, on the print but is illegible. Is that the right solution???
I checked in DCRM(G) under 0G6.2 but the instruction deals with undecipherable text, not numbers … Otherwise I could have perhaps recorded ([Québec, Québec], [?] OR [Québec, Québec], [illegible]) and then add a note to provide the date…

Do you have any advice?

Many thanks :)

Marie-Chantal L'Ecuyer-Coelho
Bibliothécaire responsable, métadonnées et traitement documentaire des collections iconographiques
Direction du traitement documentaire des collections patrimoniales
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec

2275, rue Holt
Montréal (Québec) H2G 3H1
Téléphone : (514) 873-1101, poste 3730
mc.coelho at banq.qc.ca<mailto:mc.coelho at banq.qc.ca>

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