[DCRM-L] Recording digitized books

Robert Maxwell robert_maxwell at byu.edu
Mon Mar 26 09:29:11 MDT 2018

Most U.S. libraries are following the PCC "Provider Neutral" guidelines for cataloging digitized books which, as you note, do not follow RDA for the publication information.



Robert L. Maxwell
Ancient Languages and Special Collections Librarian
6728 Harold B. Lee Library
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602

-----Original Message-----
From: DCRM-L <dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu> On Behalf Of Michael Beer
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 8:58 AM
To: DCRM-List <dcrm-l at lib.byu.edu>
Subject: [DCRM-L] Recording digitized books

Hi everybody,

I'm a new member on the list, working at the Bavarian State Library in Munich, Germany, and I would like to ask a question regarding the cataloging of digitized books.

The German libraries are reviewing their practice of cataloging digitized resources. 
Some German libraries have problems with the RDA-rules for digitized books, especially regarding the publication statement. They would prefer the "old" practice of also recording the publication statement of the original resource in the record for the digitization.

Before deciding on this topic we would be very interested to know how other communities treat digitized books, especially Anglo-American libraries. 

Looking at various catalogs I got the impression that there are two different ways of recording digitizations.

1. No record for the digitization is created. Some information (URL etc.) for the digitization are added to the record of the printed book.

2. A separate record for the digitized resource is produced whose publication statement is the same as the original resource.

I hardly could find separate records with an edition statement following RDA (e.g. year of digitization is recorded as year of publication)

Can your confirm this, or did I get a wrong impression? Francis Lapka, who recommended this list for my question, already provided me with useful information about the practice at Yale but I would be most grateful if I could get further information on the practice of other libraries in that respect.



Michael Beer
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
Abt. Bestandsentwicklung und Erschließung 1
Stabsreferat Formalerschließung
Ludwigstr. 16
80539 München

Mail: Michael.Beer at bsb-muenchen.de

Tel.: +4989/28638-2747
Fax: +4989/28638-2309

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