[DCRM-L] Determining bibliographical format

Noah Sheola sheola at bc.edu
Mon Jun 17 07:04:26 MDT 2019

I remember discussing this topic on this list back in January. A few of us
concluded at the time that a British Library batch upload was the likely
source of many of the records with problematic 340s.

On Sun, Jun 16, 2019 at 8:47 PM Noble, Richard <richard_noble at brown.edu>

> The format terms are variously understood; those who understand it as
> something other than a convenient shorthand for size or number of leaves
> surrounding a thread are probably in a major minority.
> The assumption regarding the addition  of parenthetical format to the 300
> under dcrmb is that it should be an educated and accurate identification of
> the basic printing formula, regardless of complexities and anomalies having
> to do with sheet size and the number of pages in a forme (the basis of
> format), or the inevitable eddies in printers' workflow. This is the
> necessary precursor to understanding which components of the whole book are
> subject to variations of state that do not amount to a distinction of
> manifestations.
> What I have seen of 340 format fields clearly indicates that they are
> *not* based on such analysis, and have  more to do with size (perhaps
> exclusively) or to the number of leaves in a normal gathering, which even a
> neophyte bibliographer knows not to be dispositive evidence of the  number
> of pages in the formes. OCLC records that I deal with are are all too often
> heavily overburdened with the detritus of multiple incompatible
> functions--incompatible, that is, in the disposition to equate vs. the
> necessity to distinguish bibliographical entities--to accommodate library
> routines or commercial convenience. This is just another example.
> I am now of the opinion that dcrmb and non-dcrmb records should constitute
> parallel databases. In some cases--where the record ostensibly for a first
> edition with hundreds of holdings has been encrusted with data from a
> century's worth of reprints, reissues and obviously different editions
> (e.g. ISBN's in records for late 19th- or early 20th-c. books)--I have
> created a new dcrmb record for the thing itself: the existing record cannot
> be reverted to a proper state by editing, largely because its attached
> holdings cannot be reliably related to any one manifestation. Many of these
> records have a plethora of 019s, some of which must have described
> something quite different.
> BROWN UNIVERSITY  ::  PROVIDENCE, R.I. 02912  ::  401-863-1187
> <Richard_Noble at Br <RICHARD_NOBLE at BROWN.EDU>own.edu>
> On Sat, Jun 15, 2019 at 4:04 PM Jeff Barton <jpbarton at princeton.edu>
> wrote:
>> A question prompted by Richard's comment about "Format = Spine height is
>> not just in recon records."
>> Are you referring to use of format in the 340 field only, Richard, or
>> also possibly in the 300 Phys Desp field under $c, as the optional format
>> detail, added in addition to size?  (e.g. something like "$c 10 cm (16mo)."
>>   We/ I sometimes add that optional format info for 'early' books,
>> sometimes in tandem with signature statement in a 500 note.
>> I've always assumed it meant actual format (how the hand-press book was
>> assembled), not shorthand for size.  But that might explain some odd format
>> info I've occasionally seen in records I've seen or even exported from OCLC
>> to add our copy-specific info to -- the format (or what I took to be
>> format) can seem at variance with the book I have in hand.  As I recall
>> I've also occasionally noticed that in ESTC records too, (perhaps only the
>> tentative ones with notes about consulting an actual copy or comparing
>> copies to see what's uniform, if anything).  I've found this puzzling, but
>> use of format to indicate general size shorthand, not actual format, would
>> seem to explain this curiosity.
>> Thanks to all for raising this question and presenting context!
>> Jeff Barton
>> Cotsen Children's Library Cataloger
>> Rare Books & Special Collections
>> Princeton University Library
>> jpbarton at princeton.edu
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* DCRM-L <dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu> on behalf of Lapka, Francis <
>> francis.lapka at yale.edu>
>> *Sent:* Friday, June 14, 2019 3:58:48 PM
>> *To:* DCRM Users' Group
>> *Subject:* Re: [DCRM-L] Determining bibliographical format
>> The RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee is working with OCLC’s Jay
>> Weitz on a separate project; and I think OCLC’s John Chapman is a
>> subscriber to this list. I am happy to reach out to the two of them for
>> more information.
>> Francis
>> Francis Lapka  ·  Senior Catalogue Librarian
>> Department of Rare Books and Manuscripts
>> Yale Center for British Art
>> 203-432-9672  ·  francis.lapka at yale.edu
>> *From:* DCRM-L <dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu> *On Behalf Of *Noble, Richard
>> *Sent:* Friday, June 14, 2019 3:45 PM
>> *To:* DCRM Users' Group <dcrm-l at lib.byu.edu>
>> *Subject:* Re: [DCRM-L] Determining bibliographical format
>> Should some formal-ish inter-organizational inquiry be made to OCLC
>> Quality Control, concerning the addition of and criteria for these 340s?
>> BROWN UNIVERSITY  ::  PROVIDENCE, R.I. 02912  ::  401-863-1187
>> <Richard_Noble at Br <RICHARD_NOBLE at BROWN.EDU>own.edu
>> <https://nam05.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fown.edu&data=02%7C01%7Cfrancis.lapka%40yale.edu%7C7ea0855d37dc4608754308d6f100e4d2%7Cdd8cbebb21394df8b4114e3e87abeb5c%7C0%7C0%7C636961383496182647&sdata=7x0NewU5WUTILEpk%2BrG3XuqmwaATU0zcFGIc8HHQ2HE%3D&reserved=0>
>> >
>> On Fri, Jun 14, 2019 at 3:09 PM Mark Seidl <marseidl at vassar.edu> wrote:
>> I double-checked Bibliographic Formats and Standards and found that the
>> 340 |m does, indeed, contain printing format. Even so, with this confusion
>> between format and height floating around, we'll need to be extra vigilant
>> to make sure format does end up in the 340 |m and size, as Christine points
>> out, in the 852 |k where it belongs.
>> On Fri, Jun 14, 2019 at 3:02 PM Christine DeZelar-Tiedman <
>> dezel002 at umn.edu> wrote:
>> Yes. Size designators should be in 852 $k, NOT 340
>> On Fri, Jun 14, 2019 at 1:45 PM Moody, Honor M. <honor_moody at harvard.edu>
>> wrote:
>> I saw one of those 340s (presumably added in batch) earlier today, and
>> was not pleased. I know Jackie Dooley was on this list before her
>> retirement, does anyone know if there is an OCLC employee currently
>> subscribed and/or monitoring the list? I think this is worth raising with
>> them (and requesting a deletion in the vast majority of cases).
>> Honor
>> *From:* DCRM-L <dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu> *On Behalf Of *Mark Seidl
>> *Sent:* Friday, June 14, 2019 2:39 PM
>> *To:* DCRM Users' Group <dcrm-l at lib.byu.edu>
>> *Subject:* Re: [DCRM-L] Determining bibliographical format
>> I just want to second Richard's comment and offer my own institution,
>> Vassar, as an example. In Special Collections, we shelve books by three
>> sizes: folio, quarto, and octavo. These denote height and have only a
>> coincidental relationship to the printing format of the books. Further,
>> these distinctions don't appear in our records, except for "Folio" which
>> leads the call numbers for books of that size.
>> If I understand correctly Richard's remarks about the RDA 340 field, I'm
>> bothered by the possibility of this size information ending up in records
>> where it could be mistaken for printing format designations, which
>> traditionally appear in the 300.
>> Mark Seidl
>> On Fri, Jun 14, 2019 at 2:12 PM Noble, Richard <richard_noble at brown.edu>
>> wrote:
>> Format = Spine height is not just in recon records. There seems to be a
>> recently initiated program (centered I know not where) of wholesale
>> insertion into OCLC records of 340 rda "format" fields, which are clearly a
>> reversion to this ancient and (for rare catalogers) potentially highly
>> misleading descriptive practice. It would seem to be a device for assigning
>> shelving locations, which are in many places given as 12mo, 8vo , 4to,
>> folio. This has nothing to do with the printing format, especially with
>> respect to modern books which may really be e.g. 32mo in 8s or some such
>> thing.
>> BROWN UNIVERSITY  ::  PROVIDENCE, R.I. 02912  ::  401-863-1187
>> <Richard_Noble at Br <RICHARD_NOBLE at BROWN.EDU>own.edu
>> <https://nam05.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Furldefense.proofpoint.com%2Fv2%2Furl%3Fu%3Dhttp-3A__own.edu%26d%3DDwMFaQ%26c%3DWO-RGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ%26r%3DgfxDZP5m9KyeWhmono1ADELcLUOEQEwGHybTpd5N2Wk%26m%3DZsE7-rtinnHIFfdVnhMOedq1xh1mjZFbliiTX9eSA3o%26s%3Dy9JYRk2qYT9ckksxuN1YvLlmI0e5kQb0Azya02E2fFg%26e%3D&data=02%7C01%7Cfrancis.lapka%40yale.edu%7C7ea0855d37dc4608754308d6f100e4d2%7Cdd8cbebb21394df8b4114e3e87abeb5c%7C0%7C0%7C636961383496182647&sdata=qvjLC86Z2o3bJzfHVJd%2FFbuN8QhXXdYYb1k4e8qBB2M%3D&reserved=0>
>> >
>> On Fri, Jun 14, 2019 at 2:00 PM Moody, Honor M. <honor_moody at harvard.edu>
>> wrote:
>> It’s not uncommon to see a bibliographic format meaning spine height in
>> recon records in OCLC. If the only/primary difference between the OCLC
>> description and the piece in hand is a difference in bibliographic format,
>> and no height is given in cm, I’ve found it worthwhile to check the public
>> catalog of the creating library (in case they updated locally), or to
>> contact the library to confirm.
>> Honor
>> *From:* DCRM-L <dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu> *On Behalf Of *Erin Blake
>> *Sent:* Thursday, June 13, 2019 12:29 PM
>> *To:* DCRM Users' Group <dcrm-l at lib.byu.edu>
>> *Subject:* Re: [DCRM-L] Determining bibliographical format
>> Something else to keep in mind is that the words used for bibliographic
>> format can also be used for spine height. One of my prized possessions is
>> an "old style" librarian's ruler that shows centimeters on the left edge
>> and spine high terms on the right. See the "Same words, different meanings"
>> section of the Folgerpedia article "Bibliographic format" for my attempted
>> explanation:  https://folgerpedia.folger.edu/Bibliographic_format
>> <https://nam05.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Furldefense.proofpoint.com%2Fv2%2Furl%3Fu%3Dhttps-3A__folgerpedia.folger.edu_Bibliographic-5Fformat%26d%3DDwMFaQ%26c%3DWO-RGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ%26r%3DgfxDZP5m9KyeWhmono1ADELcLUOEQEwGHybTpd5N2Wk%26m%3Du2kCy4rmLlifYSau3mLugGhb4QZPyPoOuPYelFoBCRw%26s%3DD27RVllZjipF8kQnzyyb5LtZi6Fg6J4wpc_oLfyMcjU%26e%3D&data=02%7C01%7Cfrancis.lapka%40yale.edu%7C7ea0855d37dc4608754308d6f100e4d2%7Cdd8cbebb21394df8b4114e3e87abeb5c%7C0%7C0%7C636961383496192651&sdata=f8wb9QahM3r3O6gBJVBy7iILRuQCfcDrd%2BiMUXYzViM%3D&reserved=0>
>> See attached for a photo of my beloved ruler!
>> Erin.
>> ----------------
>> Erin Blake, PhD (she/her) |  Senior Cataloger  |  Folger Shakespeare
>> Library  |  201 E. Capitol St. SE, Washington, DC, 20003  |
>> eblake at folger.edu  |  www.folger.edu
>> <https://nam05.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Furldefense.proofpoint.com%2Fv2%2Furl%3Fu%3Dhttp-3A__www.folger.edu%26d%3DDwMFaQ%26c%3DWO-RGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ%26r%3DgfxDZP5m9KyeWhmono1ADELcLUOEQEwGHybTpd5N2Wk%26m%3DZsE7-rtinnHIFfdVnhMOedq1xh1mjZFbliiTX9eSA3o%26s%3D5o9CMJ09HVQhFIUX_Bf8kJyF-27r671ffCyztB6pMi8%26e%3D&data=02%7C01%7Cfrancis.lapka%40yale.edu%7C7ea0855d37dc4608754308d6f100e4d2%7Cdd8cbebb21394df8b4114e3e87abeb5c%7C0%7C0%7C636961383496202668&sdata=NteSKVyLliIZKcIjFhB2km%2F8lsZn%2FmDdgc9eb08%2FwQs%3D&reserved=0>
>> On Thu, Jun 13, 2019 at 10:54 AM Mark Seidl <marseidl at vassar.edu> wrote:
>> Dear June,
>> Worry not--yours is absolutely and appropriate question!
>> In my experience, dealers' catalogs/descriptions can be useful but also
>> misleading. Some are excellent, others hastily thrown together. In any
>> case, we catalogers need to treat dealer's descriptions with healthy
>> skepticism. I always compare dealers' descriptions with my own collations,
>> going with my own when I'm confident the dealer made a mistake. In short,
>> always verify.
>> As for your question about the OCLC record for a copy that resembles
>> yours, I and, I think, others who post here would need to know a bit more
>> about the copy you have.
>> Hope this helps some.
>> All best,
>> Mark Seidl
>> On Thu, Jun 13, 2019 at 10:36 AM Rutkowski, June <
>> rutkowsk at fas.harvard.edu> wrote:
>> I am fresh off of Deborah J. Leslie’s Rare Book Cataloging course at the
>> Rare Book School, and I have my first rare book sitting in front of me.
>> It’s a French book from 1679.
>> One question I have is about determining format.  The book dealer says
>> it’s a 24mo.  The gatherings have 6 leaves each, the chain lines are
>> horizontal, and the height is 13 cm.
>> According to my chart a 24mo with horizontal chain lines cannot have 6
>> leaves.  I’m thinking it’s a 12mo.
>> There is a dcrmb record in OCLC for a 12mo copy that is very similar to
>> mine (signatures and number of preliminary pages are different). 973455836.
>> So, my questions are: how much weight does a cataloger give to a dealer’s
>> description?  And, is the information I’ve provided here (gatherings of 6
>> leaves, horizontal chain lines, height 13 cm) enough evidence to determine
>> that my book is a 12mo?
>> If this is an inappropriate question please be gentle with me.  I’m an
>> old cataloger, but a spanking new rare-book cataloger, eager to participate
>> in this community.
>> Thank you,
>> June Rutkowski
>> Cataloger
>> Harvard Library Information and Technical Services
>> Cambridge, MA 02139
>> --
>> Mark Seidl
>> Special Collections Librarian/Cataloger
>> Vassar College Libraries
>> http://specialcollections.vassar.edu/
>> <https://nam05.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Furldefense.proofpoint.com%2Fv2%2Furl%3Fu%3Dhttp-3A__specialcollections.vassar.edu_%26d%3DDwMFaQ%26c%3DWO-RGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ%26r%3DgfxDZP5m9KyeWhmono1ADELcLUOEQEwGHybTpd5N2Wk%26m%3Du2kCy4rmLlifYSau3mLugGhb4QZPyPoOuPYelFoBCRw%26s%3DCOXzqK57kq0fL4kYieI6A0FmfDaxHgOkBNQWB_Xzj7o%26e%3D&data=02%7C01%7Cfrancis.lapka%40yale.edu%7C7ea0855d37dc4608754308d6f100e4d2%7Cdd8cbebb21394df8b4114e3e87abeb5c%7C0%7C0%7C636961383496202668&sdata=Pc3Er5DTnni8vVTXDVwJtVocV14HVgBFTN2dyAQY%2FaA%3D&reserved=0>
>> Gargoyle Bulletin
>> <https://nam05.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Furldefense.proofpoint.com%2Fv2%2Furl%3Fu%3Dhttp-3A__pages.vassar.edu_library%26d%3DDwMFaQ%26c%3DWO-RGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ%26r%3DgfxDZP5m9KyeWhmono1ADELcLUOEQEwGHybTpd5N2Wk%26m%3Du2kCy4rmLlifYSau3mLugGhb4QZPyPoOuPYelFoBCRw%26s%3Dazrk0oLO2EM_LEwBA2MLxwToWdUWB08cFnuz_bGaqZM%26e%3D&data=02%7C01%7Cfrancis.lapka%40yale.edu%7C7ea0855d37dc4608754308d6f100e4d2%7Cdd8cbebb21394df8b4114e3e87abeb5c%7C0%7C0%7C636961383496212676&sdata=X3R%2Fh8GplF9Zer33Nhed0MADNYoT7hud9UkFbGjrSFI%3D&reserved=0>
>> http://pages.vassar.edu/library/
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>> --
>> Mark Seidl
>> Special Collections Librarian/Cataloger
>> Vassar College Libraries
>> http://specialcollections.vassar.edu/
>> <https://nam05.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Furldefense.proofpoint.com%2Fv2%2Furl%3Fu%3Dhttp-3A__specialcollections.vassar.edu_%26d%3DDwMFaQ%26c%3DWO-RGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ%26r%3DgfxDZP5m9KyeWhmono1ADELcLUOEQEwGHybTpd5N2Wk%26m%3DZsE7-rtinnHIFfdVnhMOedq1xh1mjZFbliiTX9eSA3o%26s%3DwjrlX5VwK2IxhVCA4zVdoZwHYXqARVrXdxKZAAho9B8%26e%3D&data=02%7C01%7Cfrancis.lapka%40yale.edu%7C7ea0855d37dc4608754308d6f100e4d2%7Cdd8cbebb21394df8b4114e3e87abeb5c%7C0%7C0%7C636961383496222680&sdata=ZEENhuwgmU%2FwRY0GkIfP8voCEpmzHn39Vg8acL7wyBc%3D&reserved=0>
>> Gargoyle Bulletin
>> <https://nam05.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Furldefense.proofpoint.com%2Fv2%2Furl%3Fu%3Dhttp-3A__pages.vassar.edu_library%26d%3DDwMFaQ%26c%3DWO-RGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ%26r%3DgfxDZP5m9KyeWhmono1ADELcLUOEQEwGHybTpd5N2Wk%26m%3DZsE7-rtinnHIFfdVnhMOedq1xh1mjZFbliiTX9eSA3o%26s%3DsyI8S9Kt2k3XeoeKmr8DAjDcXH6JEPBvPBcd3YD19JQ%26e%3D&data=02%7C01%7Cfrancis.lapka%40yale.edu%7C7ea0855d37dc4608754308d6f100e4d2%7Cdd8cbebb21394df8b4114e3e87abeb5c%7C0%7C0%7C636961383496232689&sdata=BBJGbJKdrlNIYzzMXcJPPrwLPAEIvbfVGTskPLPT%2Fn0%3D&reserved=0>
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>> --
>> Christine DeZelar-Tiedman
>> Metadata and Emerging Technologies Librarian
>> University of Minnesota Libraries
>> 160 Wilson Library
>> 309 19th Ave. S.
>> Minneapolis, MN 55455
>> (612) 625-0381
>> dezel002 at umn.edu
>> pronouns: she/her/hers
>> --
>> Mark Seidl
>> Special Collections Librarian/Cataloger
>> Vassar College Libraries
>> http://specialcollections.vassar.edu/
>> <https://nam05.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fspecialcollections.vassar.edu%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cfrancis.lapka%40yale.edu%7C7ea0855d37dc4608754308d6f100e4d2%7Cdd8cbebb21394df8b4114e3e87abeb5c%7C0%7C0%7C636961383496242697&sdata=FtyItdBj9U7f0NkDN2uudMWj4EoaYoYdhH5QtRCsBlI%3D&reserved=0>
>> Gargoyle Bulletin
>> <https://nam05.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fpages.vassar.edu%2Flibrary&data=02%7C01%7Cfrancis.lapka%40yale.edu%7C7ea0855d37dc4608754308d6f100e4d2%7Cdd8cbebb21394df8b4114e3e87abeb5c%7C0%7C0%7C636961383496252705&sdata=tz8X3XQVcNKlht2RIVSOjTwETkMZAusbChwPccNq5YM%3D&reserved=0>
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Noah Sheola
Special Collections Cataloging Librarian
John J. Burns Library
Boston College
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