[DCRM-L] Notes on conjectural dates: DCRM(B) 4D5
Deborah J. Leslie
DJLeslie at FOLGER.edu
Sat Nov 9 10:15:56 MST 2019
In the context of revising existing DCRM(B) [i.e., not DCRM2 based on RDA]:
Early printings of DCRM(B) give this text for 4D5:
4D5. Patterns for supplying a conjectural date
Give a probable date or period of publication, distribution, etc., according to one of the patterns shown in the examples below. Give any needed explanation in a note.
According to the DCRM Editorial Group wiki<http://dcrmedits.pbworks.com/w/page/69463512/Area%204%20errata>, the final sentence was changed to
Give any needed explanation in a note. Indicate the basis for the conjecture in a note.
I cannot track down any email or wiki discussion for this change, which was approved by the BSC on Dec. 7 2010. As I write in the dcrmedits wiki, the requirement to make a note is more stringent than leaving it to cataloger's judgment of whether a note is needed. Often the conjectured date is obvious from other parts of the description, such as the date of a sermon or other address.
I propose this be returned to the original language, allowing for cataloger's judgment. Discuss.
Deborah J Leslie (she/her) | Senior Cataloger | Folger Shakespeare Library | 201 East Capitol Street, S.E. Washington, DC 20003 | djleslie at folger.edu<mailto:djleslie at folger.edu>
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