[DCRM-L] Notes on conjectural dates: DCRM(B) 4D5

Erin Blake erin.blake.folger at gmail.com
Sat Nov 9 18:49:30 MST 2019

As I recall, the change to "indicate the basis for the conjecture in the
note" was made because we want users to know the cataloger didn't have
access to anything more that what's presented in the record. If the
conjectured date comes from the date of the sermon in the title, you still
need to say "Date based on title." That way, for example, if someone later
finds evidence that the sermon circulated in manuscript for a few years
before it was printed, they'll know for-sure that the conjecture came from
internal evidence alone.


Erin Blake, PhD  |  pronouns: she/her/hers  |  Senior Cataloger  |  Folger
Shakespeare Library  |  201 E. Capitol St. SE, Washington, DC, 20003  |
eblake at folger.edu  |  www.folger.edu

On Sat, Nov 9, 2019 at 12:16 PM Deborah J. Leslie <DJLeslie at folger.edu>

> In the context of revising existing DCRM(B) [i.e., not DCRM2 based on RDA]:
> Early printings of DCRM(B) give this text for 4D5:
> 4D5. Patterns for supplying a conjectural date
> Give a probable date or period of publication, distribution, etc.,
> according to one of the patterns shown in the examples below. Give any
> needed explanation in a note.
> According to the DCRM Editorial Group wiki
> <http://dcrmedits.pbworks.com/w/page/69463512/Area%204%20errata>, the
> final sentence was changed to
> Give any needed explanation in a note. *Indicate the basis for the
> conjecture in a note.*
> I cannot track down any email or wiki discussion for this change, which
> was approved by the BSC on Dec. 7 2010. As I write in the dcrmedits wiki,
> the requirement to make a note is more stringent than leaving it to
> cataloger's judgment of whether a note is needed. Often the conjectured
> date is obvious from other parts of the description, such as the date of a
> sermon or other address.
> I propose this be returned to the original language, allowing for
> cataloger's judgment. Discuss.
> ______________________
> Deborah J Leslie (she/her) | Senior Cataloger | Folger Shakespeare Library
> | 201 East Capitol Street, S.E. Washington, DC 20003 | djleslie at folger.edu
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