[DCRM-L] FW: [rules] Fwd: [MARC] MAC papers and agenda for ALA 2020 Midwinter Conference available online

Moody, Honor M. honor_moody at harvard.edu
Sun Jan 5 18:59:31 MST 2020

Dear DCRM colleagues,

CC:DA has been asked to comment on the discussion papers and proposals that will be discussed by the MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) at ALA Midwinter. All are now linked from the agenda<http://www.loc.gov/marc/mac/mw2020_age.html>.

Several were developed by NDMSO, primarily to facilitate data conversion between MARC and BIBFRAME.

Discussion Paper No. 2020-DP06: Defining a New Field for Manifestation Statements<http://www.loc.gov/marc/mac/2020/2020-dp06.html> from the MARC/RDA Working Group<https://www.loc.gov/marc/mac/MARC-RDA_Working_Group.html> will be of particular interest, as “the exact transcription of statements for early printed resources” is identified as a use case for the new field. The manifestation statement concept was introduced as a Manifestation attribute in the LRM<https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/cataloguing/frbr-lrm/ifla-lrm-august-2017_rev201712.pdf>, and is implemented in the beta RDA Toolkit along with 13 narrower elements<https://beta.rdatoolkit.org/en-US_ala-6f241594-3b46-3eb3-a053-1ecec038fa34>. The discussion paper explores the possibility of a new MARC field 881, defining $a for manifestation statement, and $b-h, $j-o for the 13 narrower elements.

I offer the following initial responses to spark discussion, to be wrapped up by January 13th.

  1.  It is not clear to me that a MARC field is needed or desirable for recording a manifestation statement. I am not persuaded that any new fields would be meaningfully implemented in either front or back end library systems, so a 500 note might be a more realistic approach.
  2.  Any prescribed subfield order will render the subfield breakout less useful for chunking out a continuous manifestation statement (the whole point is basically that resources don’t have a uniform layout and don’t play well with ISBD order for descriptive elements).
  3.  If implemented, please define a subfield 2 for this field. Given that beta RDA Toolkit allows for the use of any transcription guidelines or scheme, the use case of “exact transcription of statements for early printed resources,” especially the identification of different states distinguished by capitalization or placement of text, cannot be achieved without some way to record the transcription guidelines/scheme.

Barring any discussion from the list, I do not plan to respond to the other discussion papers/proposals.


Honor Moody
Metadata Creation Manager
Harvard Library Information and Technical Services
honor_moody at harvard.edu

From: rules-request at lists.ala.org <rules-request at lists.ala.org> On Behalf Of Myers, John
Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2020 10:45 AM
To: rules at lists.ala.org
Subject: [rules] Fwd: [MARC] MAC papers and agenda for ALA 2020 Midwinter Conference available online

Dear colleagues on CC:DA, attached is the notice for the MARC papers for Midwinter, at present. As the original message from LC mentions, there are another two papers forthcoming.

Please review and provide feedback to me by January 15.

You are free to comment on any paper. Some papers of particular interest to CC:DA --

2020-DP01 discusses a major overhaul of field 856 -- I am very interested in a broad set of perspectives on the proposed options
2020-DP03 discusses places to distinctly record RDA elements for illustrative and sound content (new subfields in field 340)
2020-DP04 discusses places to distinctly record RDA elements for aspect ratio and motion technique (new subfields in field 345)
2020-DP05 discusses reinstatement of field 241 to record transliterated title

John Myers, Catalog & Metadata Librarian
Schaffer Library, Union College
Schenectady NY 12308

myersj at union.edu<mailto:myersj at union.edu>
pronouns: he/him/his

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: NDMSO <ndmso at loc.gov<mailto:ndmso at loc.gov>>
Date: Fri, Dec 20, 2019 at 4:36 PM
Subject: [MARC] MAC papers and agenda for ALA 2020 Midwinter Conference available online
To: <MARC at listserv.loc.gov<mailto:MARC at listserv.loc.gov>>

The MAC ALA 2020 Midwinter Conference agenda is available at:

Please note that 2 discussion papers are pending finalization,
with an expected publication date of January 3.


Proposal No. 2020-01: Defining a New Indicator Value for
Human-generated Content in Field 883 of the MARC 21 formats

Proposal No. 2020-02: Adding Subfield $0 to Fields 310 and 321
in the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format


Discussion Paper No. 2020-DP01: Modernization or Replacement
of Field 856 in the MARC 21 Formats

Discussion Paper No. 2020-DP02: Adding Subfield $0 to Fields 504
and 525 of the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format

Discussion Paper No. 2020-DP03: Defining New Subfields in Field
340 to Record Illustrative Content and Sound Content in the
MARC 21 Bibliographic Format

Discussion Paper No. 2020-DP04: Renaming Field 345 and Defining
New Subfields for Aspect Ratio and Motion Technique in the
MARC 21 Bibliographic Format

Discussion Paper No. 2020-DP05: Reinstatement of Field 241
in the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format

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