[DCRM-L] Machine-press special collections

Deborah J. Leslie DJLeslie at FOLGER.edu
Mon Jul 6 17:53:39 MDT 2020

Dear Rare Materials Catalogers:

I've finally had a chance to watch Brenna Bychowski's Rare Book School virtual presentation on Superheroes and Shocking Affairs, or, Adventures in Cataloging Popular Literature<https://rarebookschool.org/rbs-online/superheroes-and-shocking-affairs-or-adventures-in-cataloging-popular-literature/>. Informative, entertaining, and very well done; I especially like the way Brenna incorporated general information on the nature of cataloging. Highly recommended!

Brenna's presentation got me to wonder about the post-hand-press materials that cross the desk of rare materials/special collections catalogers. I invite DCRM-L readers to characterize the kinds of post-1830 material you're asked to catalog, and give a rough ranking of relative quantity?

I can start (although since 1999 I've been cataloging pre-1831 materials almost exclusively):

  *   Little Blue Books
  *   Railroad companies' annual reports, timetables, and maps
  *   Sunbelt migration advertisements
Deborah J. Leslie, MA, MLS (she/her) | Folger Shakespeare Library | 201 East Capitol St., SE, Washington, DC 20003 | 202.675-0369 | djleslie at folger.edu | www.folger.edu

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