[DCRM-L] Update on problem with Connexion filter "Not internet" also excluding records for original materials that link to an electronic version of the resource
Christine DeZelar-Tiedman
dezel002 at umn.edu
Thu Jul 9 06:05:25 MDT 2020
Good news--thanks for the update!
On Wed, Jul 8, 2020 at 3:17 PM Erin Blake <erin.blake.folger at gmail.com>
> Here's an update on a problem discussed on DCRM-L back in November 2016,
> with many thanks to Francis Lapka for re-surfacing the issue with Jay Weitz
> of OCLC (now that a connection has been made thanks to the Bib Standards
> Committee's role in creating "OCLC Member Merge" instructions for rare
> materials). Francis, Jay, and I have discussed it back and forth by email,
> and it has now been moved along to the people in charge of search indexes
> and Connexion Client development.
> *Background:* DCRM-L catalogers had assumed that selecting "Not Internet"
> when searching for copy in Connexion would remove MARC records for digital
> reproductions from the search results. But it turns out that limit *also *filters
> out MARC records for original materials when the record contains an 856
> link to a *version *of the resource represented by the bibliographic
> record. I reported this as a bug, but never heard anything back about a
> fix.
> *Short version:* this isn't a bug, it's a 'feature' but there *is *hope
> for a solution.
> *Why this isn't a bug:* The search indexes and limits inside the
> "Keyword/Numeric Search" frame in Connexion are shared by Connexion and
> WorldCat. Only the "Apply Language of Cataloging Limiter" (outside and
> below that frame) is specific to Connexion. This means picking "Internet"
> in the "Internet" drop-down means "I want to find things I can see online"
> not "show me resources that I can *only *find online." As a result,
> selecting "Not Internet" filters out MARC records for original materials
> that include an 852 with 2nd indicator "1" (link to a *version *of the
> resource being described, as opposed to link to the resource described in
> the record). Even though the MARC record isn't for an electronic resource,
> it can still be used to access an electronic resource.
> *Work-around:* Use the "Command Line Search" at the top of the screen and
> throw in " not mt:elc" to exclude records for electronic resources (even
> with "Show more indexes" enabled in the upper right of the Keyword/Numeric
> Search box, not all indexes are available, so it can only be done in the
> command line. See
> https://www.oclc.org/content/dam/support/worldcat/documentation/searching/refcard/searchworldcatquickreference.pdf for
> full details, and a walk down memory lane if your library experience goes
> back to the days when we had to type in a super-complicated command line
> search in order to get only the results we wanted, since GUIs didn't exist,
> and we were charged per-search rather than a flat fee).
> *Hope for a solution: *As those of you who attended the June 17th OCLC
> Cataloging Community virtual session know, instead of moving forward with
> replacing Connexion Client with Connexion Browser, "OCLC is in the process
> of investing more into the Connexion client, making it even more useful for
> future cataloging" [at that moment, the Chat window of the online meeting
> instantly filled with a chorus of "Hooray!", "Yippee!", "Yay!", etc.]. OCLC
> also said that the non-functional "Display using GLIMIR clustering"
> check-box would go away in the next release of Connexion. There is some
> hope that, for example, the real-estate currently taken up by the GLIMIR
> checkbox could instead be used for a checkbox along the lines of "Only
> display records where Fixed Field Form = blank" (that is, the record
> describes "None of the following: microform, large print, braille, online,
> direct electronic, regular print reproduction (e.g., a photocopy)").
> Hope this description makes sense.... and keep your fingers crossed.
> Cheers,
> Erin.
> ______________________
> Erin Blake, Ph.D. | Senior Cataloger | Folger Shakespeare Library |
> 201 E. Capitol St. SE, Washington, DC, 20003 | eblake at folger.edu |
> www.folger.edu
> <https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/-t5RCjRgpBtArRXC7R7_2?domain=urldefense.com>
> | Pronouns: she/her/hers
Christine DeZelar-Tiedman
Metadata and Emerging Technologies Librarian | University of Minnesota
160 Wilson Library | 309 19th Ave. S. | Minneapolis, MN 55455
dezel002 at umn.edu | (612) 625-0381
she, her, hers
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