[DCRM-L] (no subject)
Moody, Honor M.
honor_moody at harvard.edu
Mon Jul 13 14:01:26 MDT 2020
With my CC:DA liaison hat on here, I send you the Revised Curator Proposal. This was discussed briefly at today's CC:DA meeting, but discussion was minimal as most people didn't have enough time to engage deeply with it. The revised proposal I concerned only with a new work level element for curator agent (and related agent subtypes and inverse elements), and does not change the existing curator agent<https://beta.rdatoolkit.org/en-US_ala-62e7d519-3a03-39e2-8030-be81604710ef> (Item) and its agent subtypes and inverse elements expect to qualify the element name to differentiate it. The proposal briefly acknowledges our historic concerns with the existing definition, but leaves it to another proposal.
It is not clear when comments are due, but we will be able to comment directly on the CC:DA blog post for the proposal<https://alcts.ala.org/ccdablog/?p=4075>. The blog post also has a link to the paper, should this list not accept attachments. I will share a due date when I have one.
There is additional guidance on relationship shortcuts<https://beta.rdatoolkit.org/en-US_ala-64950324-8390-37c0-a1fc-5799f0259b0a/p_tt5_phc_y3b> in the beta Toolkit Guidance: Introduction to RDA: Data Elements<https://beta.rdatoolkit.org/en-US_ala-64950324-8390-37c0-a1fc-5799f0259b0a/p_tt5_phc_y3b>; you may find all shortcut elements by searching for "shortcut" and limiting your search to RDA only:
[cid:image001.png at 01D6592D.CD44B200]
From: rules-request at lists.ala.org <rules-request at lists.ala.org> On Behalf Of Ros, Amanda L
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 2:58 PM
To: rules at lists.ala.org
Subject: [rules] FW: Curator Proposal for CC:DA July 13
Please find the Revised Curator Proposal attached. A link will be added to the online agenda<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__alcts.ala.org_ccdablog_-3Fp-3D4028&d=DwMFAg&c=WO-RGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ&r=gfxDZP5m9KyeWhmono1ADELcLUOEQEwGHybTpd5N2Wk&m=b79zehWIQr0gGCT3aCjzJ0vKy3rkZFgO5A7s4epcNtc&s=nxilIBeCkVVQGQ99MxegslcZiurkviRsdlmBh0OCHM4&e=> soon.
Have a good weekend,
From: Karen Stafford <kstafford2 at artic.edu<mailto:kstafford2 at artic.edu>>
Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2020 9:09 AM
To: Ros, Amanda L <aros at library.tamu.edu<mailto:aros at library.tamu.edu>>
Cc: Bourassa, Dominique <dominique.bourassa at yale.edu<mailto:dominique.bourassa at yale.edu>>; Robert Maxwell <robert_maxwell at byu.edu<mailto:robert_maxwell at byu.edu>>; Stephen Hearn <s-hear at umn.edu<mailto:s-hear at umn.edu>>
Subject: Curator Proposal for CC:DA July 13
Dear Amanda,
Please find attached the "curator" proposal for discussion at the July 13 meeting.
Karen Stafford
Head of Technical Services
Ryerson & Burnham Libraries
Art Institute of Chicago
111 S. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60603-6404
Pronouns: she, her, hers
While the museum is closed, visit us virtually.
The Art Institute of Chicago
Top Ranked in the World by TripAdvisor-Six Years in a Row<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.artic.edu__;!!KwNVnqRv!UkRpcMQztOYsFynH_nuDcEDJff-rMJGTWNQJm3DydlPxLmTOkZz-6aco8aiAjS8fUdA$>
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