[DCRM-L] SAC Subcommittee on Faceted Vocabularies releases best practices document for chronological 046/388 fields in bib records

Rebecca Belford rbelford at oberlin.edu
Tue Jul 14 16:37:10 MDT 2020

[cross-posted to various lists; please excuse duplication]


The ALCTS/CaMMS Subject Analysis Committee’s Subcommittee on Faceted
Vocabularies (SSFV) is pleased to announce the publication of a new
document, Best Practices for Recording Faceted Chronological Data in
Bibliographic Records (Version 0.9). This document describes various
applications of the 046 and 388 field in bibliographic descriptions,
allowing for discovery of works and expressions by their creation dates (as
distinct from dates of publication or other bibliographic “events”). These
two fields have been available in the MARC bibliographic format for several
years and are already in use to some extent; SSFV wishes to encourage even
broader use of these fields through the dissemination of these best

SSFV invites feedback from the library cataloging/metadata community on
these best practices, which they will consider for incorporation in the
forthcoming Version 1.0 of the document. Feedback from the library
systems/discovery community would be welcome as well. Individuals may
direct feedback to SSFV chair Casey Mullin (caseymullin1 at outlook.com). We
would appreciate hearing from you by August 31, 2020.

The best practices document is available here:

Best regards,

Rebecca Belford

SSFV member

Rebecca Belford
Technical Services Librarian
Oberlin Conservatory Library
77 West College St., Oberlin, OH 44074
rbelford at oberlin.edu
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