[DCRM-L] OCLC Connexion / WorldCat indexing of MARC 510 field
Gina Solares
gsolares at usfca.edu
Fri Sep 4 10:05:07 MDT 2020
Hi Francis,
Thanks for having that conversation with Jay! I've emailed OCLC Support
about this issue in the past and have often watched the conversations on
this topic here on DCRM-L.
Here at USF, we'd love to see this field indexed in OCLC. We are a Jesuit
institution and have done a variety of projects to enhance our records for
Jesuitica, relying heavily on Backer-Sommervogel, Carayon, and others as
references. It has been useful for internal collection development &
tracking, as well as demonstrating value to our parent organization.
Additionally, like many others, we have a variety of fine press materials
in our special collections. Our design faculty are often interested in
aspects of production, illustration, and contribution not tracked in common
bibliographic records. We've found that bibliographies of individual
printers, illustrators, or designers have been useful in surfacing this
material in our collections. If this field was indexed in OCLC, it would be
a very useful service to our librarians and patrons.
Best regards,
Gina Solares (she/hers)
Head of Cataloging and Metadata Management
Gleeson Library | Geschke Center, University of San Francisco
(415) 422-5361 | http://www.usfca.edu/library/
On Fri, Sep 4, 2020 at 6:21 AM Lapka, Francis <francis.lapka at yale.edu>
> Hi all.
> I had a brief but useful email exchange with Jay Weitz yesterday about the
> MARC 510 field. In its current setup (as confirmed by Jay), OCLC does not
> index the field
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://help.oclc.org/Librarian_Toolbox/Searching_WorldCat_Indexes/Fields_and_subfields/5xx_fields__;!!CaiJqKM!xMnqh8MpCaKfm-YITaA5jwoxvr1CRLIkhxGGdcOpYBtGT-HVBlxCedEAdHle4666$>,
> with a niche exception for SCIPIO
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://help.oclc.org/Librarian_Toolbox/Searching_WorldCat_Indexes/Indexes/Indexes_A_to_C/Citation_SCIPIO_specific__;!!CaiJqKM!xMnqh8MpCaKfm-YITaA5jwoxvr1CRLIkhxGGdcOpYBtGT-HVBlxCedEAdG5gK5zV$>
> records.
> It sounds like OCLC would be willing to consider a change. Jay says it
> would be useful to have a collective indication of interest from the RBMS
> community (perhaps endorsed by BSC), illustrated by use cases.
> Would others support such a change in OCLC? If so, can you share sample
> use cases, for researchers or for staff?
> I’ll start with my own use case: to facilitate aspects of cataloging
> activity, I’d like to find all records in OCLC that have a 510 citation to
> the J.R. Abbey catalogs
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://rbms.info/scf/?s=abbey*aquatint__;Kw!!CaiJqKM!xMnqh8MpCaKfm-YITaA5jwoxvr1CRLIkhxGGdcOpYBtGT-HVBlxCedEAdMCoQG7e$>
> and are associated with online resources (e.g. HathiTrust).
> Keen to hear others.
> Thanks,
> Francis
> Ps. This issue has appeared before on DCRM-L
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://listserver.lib.byu.edu/pipermail/dcrm-l/2016-September/004890.html__;!!CaiJqKM!xMnqh8MpCaKfm-YITaA5jwoxvr1CRLIkhxGGdcOpYBtGT-HVBlxCedEAdM_uCWUr$>
> (with a variation on *local *indexing here
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://listserver.lib.byu.edu/pipermail/dcrm-l/2018-October/thread.html*5556__;Iw!!CaiJqKM!xMnqh8MpCaKfm-YITaA5jwoxvr1CRLIkhxGGdcOpYBtGT-HVBlxCedEAdObYVS66$>
> ).
> *Senior Catalogue Librarian*
> Department of Rare Books and Manuscripts
> Yale Center for British Art
> 203-432-9672 · francis.lapka at yale.edu
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