[DCRM-L] Linked data for rare materials survey

Christine DeZelar-Tiedman dezel002 at umn.edu
Fri Jun 17 09:07:10 MDT 2022

The LD4 Rare Materials Affinity Group (RMAG) is seeking Broad community
input regarding where to focus our efforts as we begin modelling linked
data profiles for rare materials cataloging. These profiles will be largely
based on the Art and Rare Materials (ARM) ontology extension and created in
the Sinopia stage environment. They are intended to help catalogers gain
hands-on experience in linked data cataloging and template creation, and to
inform the further development of ARM and other linked data standards and
practices. *Please complete the survey by July 8, 2022.*

 RMAG seeks to make use of the collective expertise across the member and
cohort institutions to discuss needs and challenges particular to rare
materials, and to coordinate the development of resources to support our
work. If you are interested in participating in or following the work of
RMAG, please join our google group ld4-rare-materials at googlegroups.com and
our Slack channel ld4.slack.com#rareaffinitygrp.

Christine DeZelar-Tiedman
Cataloging Policies and Practices Librarian | Cataloging, Metadata, &
Digitization Services | University of Minnesota Libraries
160 Wilson Library | 309 19th Ave. S. | Minneapolis, MN 55455
dezel002 at umn.edu
she, her, hers
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