[DCRM-L] Updated link - CFP for “Cool Things We Cataloged” Fall Webinar"
Lawler, Martha
Martha.Lawler at lsus.edu
Fri Sep 1 07:10:49 MDT 2023
The link to the proposal form in my last email is not correct. Here is the correct link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdkQizA5cGc_oHMZgCALjmY7M62fiYWTd6OaF5_4FC775751A/viewform
The Bibliographic Standards Committee of the ACRL* Rare Books and Manuscripts Section is seeking presenters for our Fall Webinar, “Cool Things We Cataloged”. This will be the third year that we have hosted a webinar with this topic.
We are looking for a broad range of presenters (catalogers, archivists, paraprofessionals, students, interns, etc.). If you have cataloged something that you think is cool, then consider presenting it. These objects may be a book, map, globe, kitchen implement, garden tool, educational kit, music score, or anything else. Presenters will discuss why an object or a collection of objects was a challenge to catalog, how they cataloged it, resources (such as content standards) that they used to catalog it, and information that they learned while cataloging it.
Presentations should be 7-10 minutes. The full session will be approximately one hour and will include a period for questions and discussion. This webinar will occur in late October or early November on a week day. It will take place in mid-afternoon if you live in the American Eastern time zone or late morning if you live in the American Pacific time zone or early to mid morning if you live in the Hawaii-Aleutian time zone.
If you are interested in presenting, fill out this form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdkQizA5cGc_oHMZgCALjmY7M62fiYWTd6OaF5_4FC775751A/viewform> by Friday, September 15th at 11:59 p.m. Hawaii-Aleutian time. You do not need to be a member of the ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section to be a presenter.
*ACRL = Association of College and Research Libraries of the American Library Association
Thank you,
Martha M. Lawler, MLS
James Smith Noel Collection
Louisiana State University Shreveport
Office: (318) 798-4163 Fax: (318) 797-5156
Martha.Lawler at lsus.edu<https://connect.emailsrvr.com/owa/redir.aspx?REF=H7FZ4RMQSGOZAqtO5bOiGQwgQEO0cV8uMkMZnkFraYD8iDSWaPTTCAFodHRwczovL2Nvbm5lY3QuZW1haWxzcnZyLmNvbS9vd2EvcmVkaXIuYXNweD9SRUY9WWxKdVZGQy1NLTRzYUtQeHlaQUF6QjQ4VU5ESFNpc1oyZDZCNXU5T2tlTWxVMUdiVl9UVENBRm9kSFJ3Y3pvdkwyTnZibTVsWTNRdVpXMWhhV3h6Y25aeUxtTnZiUzl2ZDJFdmNtVmthWEl1WVhOd2VEOVNSVVk5U2pkRmVVSmtRMmhoZWpGeGRXZFpNRkE1TUVOclJIazNZWGxKVTJKR09XbHNRakpWUVdOdGEyOXlRWE50Ylc1d2RsQlFWRU5CUm5SWlYyeHpaRWM0TmxSWFJubGtSMmhvVEd0NGFHUXllR3hqYTBKell6Tldla3h0Vm10a1VTNHU.> www.lsus.edu<https://connect.emailsrvr.com/owa/redir.aspx?REF=PsGy8Nqvw75KmWiL7M41kQf8WCbmsj03-Qsxhf3nv3X8iDSWaPTTCAFodHRwczovL2Nvbm5lY3QuZW1haWxzcnZyLmNvbS9vd2EvcmVkaXIuYXNweD9SRUY9MUNkanh4SzVHTkpBQU5ZdEx0UmZ3Z1cyeS1vZm9GdUZLQzhQYUlVTW9JWWxVMUdiVl9UVENBRm9kSFJ3Y3pvdkwyTnZibTVsWTNRdVpXMWhhV3h6Y25aeUxtTnZiUzl2ZDJFdmNtVmthWEl1WVhOd2VEOVNSVVk5TUMxbVZpMU9PV0ZCY2swek9XSTVXbDlaWmxabmFsVldkbmQyZDAxUU9IRk1ORzR3U0U4NFZrRmhSWE50Ylc1d2RsQlFWRU5CUm05a1NGSjNUMms0ZG1RelpETk1iWGg2WkZoTmRWcFhVakZNZHk0dQ..>
[LSUS_Secondary_RGB Purple-Gold_email]
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