[DCRM-L] Resources for Braille?

Groetsema Saifi, Jaime jgroetsemasaifi at ku.edu
Wed Jun 5 12:14:31 MDT 2024

Dear Colleagues,

Our library just acquired (via donation) the Bible in braille that is a 23 volume set.

Vols 1-17 take us through Corinthians and the rest of the New Testament is in Vol. 23. These volumes are in their original bindings with spine labels and title pages in the English Roman alphabet, so we are able to gather the bibliographic data from there.

What would be vols 18-22, however, have been rebound in a diy binding and retain none of the bibliographic information in the English Roman alphabet. They have no volume numbering on them, we are just assuming they fill in that gap based on the acquisitions information.

We have attempted to contact the publisher, the American Bible Society, however have not received a response after a couple of emails. We have also attempted transcribing the first pages of the vols 18-22 using a Braille alphabet without much luck.

Would anyone on the list recommend any resources for us to do our due diligence on these volumes?

Many thanks,


Jaime Groetsema Saifi (Jaime/Jaimes)
Assistant Librarian, Special Rare Materials Cataloging Unit Head
Spencer Research Library
University of Kansas Libraries
jgroetsemasaifi at ku.edu
+1 785 864 0886

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