[DCRM-L] OCLC Cataloging Community virtual meeting is 2 weeks from today: see agenda and register

James,Kate jamesk at oclc.org
Fri Jun 7 08:57:14 MDT 2024

Join us for our next cataloging community meeting on Friday, 21 June 2024 2-4:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time [UTC-4]

We're excited to share details of our two-part agenda for this free, virtual event. Part one highlights an initiative to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in library metadata. In part two, OCLC staff will share updates on our cataloging products and services.

DEI in library metadata panel discussion:

Increase religious equity by reclassifying Dewey 200s

In 2019, OCLC provided an alternate arrangement for the Dewey Decimal Classification system's religion section (200s), which organizes religious subjects more equitably by chronology and geography, rather than centering on Christianity. You'll hear from OCLC about the new arrangement, and from two public libraries that implemented it. You'll also get tools to make it easy to increase access and equity in your collection by doing the same.


  *   Emily McDonald, Lawrence (Kansas) Public Library
  *   Elizabeth McKinstry, Springfield (Massachusetts) City Public Library
  *   Matthew Vasquez Jaquith, Springfield (Massachusetts) City Public Library
  *   Alex Kyrios, OCLC

OCLC updates:

  *   Learn about OCLC's linked data strategy and how we're integrating linked data into current and future cataloging workflows. We'll also discuss OCLC Meridian and how we're incorporating WorldCat Entities linked data into various library datasets for use in cataloging and discovery.
  *   Hear about how WorldCat records are continually enriched and how you can automatically receive the updated records to use in your catalog.
  *   Discover how recent WorldShare Collection Manager enhancements can support and simplify your e-resource workflows.

Can't attend? Register to receive the full recording after the event. Register now<https://oclcwebinar.webex.com/webappng/sites/oclcwebinar/meeting/register/0927e18e04e24d2b80a89e497a526033?ticket=4832534b00000007c86e02284a4acb0e20da9c182197ba290e9731505d576f48fcc2d40a3265802d&timestamp=1717771967483&RGID=ra6516906fde573315af733967980bb12>


Kate James  (she/her/hers)
OCLC * Program Coordinator- Metadata Engagement, Global Product Management
6565 Kilgour Place, Dublin, Ohio, 43017  United States
[cid:image001.png at 01DAB8C9.73BAA500]<https://help.oclc.org/WorldCat/Metadata_Quality/AskQC>
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