[DCRM-L] manuscript collation

Colleen Fedewa cof3 at case.edu
Fri May 10 08:28:43 MDT 2024

I am cataloging a gradual from the 1600s. I have never cataloged something
like this. It came with some notes that I am not sure how to add to the bib
record. The notes say, "Because of the book's large size, each leaf
required a separate piece of vellum, so we can fairly call it a 1mo format.
But the singleton leaves were attached to each other in pairs and quired
together mostly in groups of eight leaves. One can therefore make a sort of
collational formula, keeping in mind that its "quires' are in fact groups
of singleton leaves: [A]-[I]8 [K]4 (K4 + [chi]1) [L]-[Y]8 [Z]6=179 ll.,
lacking Z6."
I would greatly appreciate any advice!
Thank you,
Colleen O. Fedewa, MLS
Acquisitions & Metadata Librarian
Kelvin Smith Library
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, OH 44106
colleen.fedewa at case.edu| (216)-368-3535 <(216)%20368-3535>
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