[DCRM-L] transcription of phonetic alphabet
Rich, Allison
allison_rich at brown.edu
Thu Jan 23 09:42:40 MST 2025
Dear Chloe:
I am going to forward your query to our urator for Native American and
Indigenous Material, Kim Toney.
I think that she may have some people you can contact for this, if she
can't help you herself.
On Thu, Jan 23, 2025 at 11:12 AM Ottenhoff, Chloe via DCRM-L <
dcrm-l at lib.byu.edu> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I would like to update the record for a Micmac language Book of Psalms
> (1859), translated by Silas Tertius Rand adapting characters from Isaac
> Pitman’s and Alexander John Ellis’s phonetic alphabet.
> A surrogate is available here:
> https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/100263106
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mi%27kmaq_language#Writing_system
> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b6/English_Phonotypic_Alphabet_-_1847.png
> There are several OCLC records available, some that substitute unavailable
> characters for approximate characters, some that supply the intended sound
> in square brackets, and some that do neither (OCLC 234125621, 977838576,
> and 15068741, respectively, for examples). There is a romanization table
> for Deseret, which was also based on the Pitman system, but not sure
> whether the same principles apply, and many of the characters are
> different. Should long and short vowels be distinguished and how? Sounds
> supplied?
> My thoughts are along the lines below:
> [Th]e Buk ov Samz : $b in Mikmak.
> Printed for [th]e Briti[sh] and Foren Beibel Sōseieti, bei Eizak Pitman,
> Ba[th] (Bath) (but the character “th” character in “THE” at head of title
> doesn’t match the one in the first “BATH”)
> T.p. verso: Printed bei Eizak Pitman, Fōnetik Institincon, Parson[ee]dj
> l[ee]n Ba[th]
> Colophon: Printed bei Eizak Pitman, Fōnetik Institi[oo]t, Parson[ee]dj
> l[ee]n Ba[th]
> Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
> Chloe
> *Rare Book & Manuscript Cataloging Coordinator*
> University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
> Rare Book & Manuscript Library
> 346 Library | M/C 522
> Urbana, IL 61801
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> *Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act any written communication
> to or from university employees regarding university business is a public
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"Outside of a dog,
a book is probably man's best friend,
and inside of a dog,
it's too dark to read.
- Groucho Marx"
Allison Rich
Head of Cataloguing and Technical Services
ESTC and NACO Coordinator
John Carter Brown Library
Providence, Rhode Island
Allison_Rich at brown.edu
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