our assignments Item 2

Laurence S. Creider lcreider at pobox.upenn.edu
Fri Jan 8 13:30:17 MST 1999

Jain Fletcher concluded about Item 2 on the list of DCRB revision topics:

> What I didn't address in the above paragraph (but did later in the 
> message), is that DCRB by its very nature deals only with the 
> descriptive portions of the cataloging record.  The DCRB Core standard 
> goes further by covering minimum level requirements for both 
> description and access. 
>    Much later, I had reason to go over the rules and App. D again 
> fairly closely and *still* believe that my brief assessment in my  
> paragraph to Jackie is correct.  Based on that belief, I would be ready 
> to advocate substituting the DCRB Core for the existing App. D.  Does 
> anyone else have any thoughts on this?
>                  Thanks, Jain
> > 	2. Core - Creider, with involvement from Jain Fletcher; this group will
> > examine minimal level and whether core should replace minimal level or be
> > an addition;
> > Bob
> > =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> > Robert L. Maxwell
> > Special Collections and Ancient Languages Cataloger
> > 6428 Harold B. Lee Library
> > Brigham Young University
> > =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Jain Fletcher
> Head, Monographic Cataloging Section
> Research Library - UCLA
> A1538 YRL     (Campus code: 157511)
> Box 951575
> Los Angeles, California    90095-1575
> phone # - (310) 825-1337
> e-mail:  jfletchr at library.ucla.edu
> FAX #:  (310) 206-4974

This was the conclusion I had come to as well; thanks for being so clear,
Jain.  In addition, I would mention that no minimal-level cataloging
scheme other than the core-level has been used by a large number of
institutions.  This is at least partly because public service and
technical service people both object to introducing uncontrolled access
points into the catalog.  This has been the case at Penn on the numerous
occasions we have considered minimal-level cataloging for anything other
than a few specialized projects.  Once those access points can be relied
on to fit within the rest of a catalog's headings, resistance decreases. 
Furthermore, one doesn't need to learn two sets of rules for minimal-level
and full-level cataloging.  Our proposed core-level avoids that problem.
	Larry Creider

Laurence S. Creider
Head, Original Cataloging Department
Van Pelt Library
University of Pennsylvania
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
e-mail: lcreider at pobox.upenn.edu 

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