DCRM(S) pt. 1

Laurence Creider lcreider at lib.NMSU.Edu
Wed Jan 24 16:45:02 MST 2001

I agree with most of what Bob says here, but would add a few additional

On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Robert L. Maxwell wrote:

> http://www.library.yale.edu/conser/documents/dcrs.html
1A2. 2nd paragraph and option:  These really need examples.  I
particularly have trouble imagining information "similar to a contents
note."  I also wonder if you mean a statement of contents rather than a
"contents note."  The instruction to omit this information without the
mark of omission is fine for serials catalogers, but it contradicts DCRB
1D2. Some explanation might be helpful for nonserials catalogers.

1B1. paragraph 2, statement beginning "Generally."  Why does being
grammatically linked matter in some cases and not here?  I would really
appreciate it if someone would provide a clear definition of what
"gramatically linked" in AACR2 and DCRB mean.

> 1B1 option. Show, as an example, how this would look. I would give as the 
> example the same example as above, Jackson's Oxford  gazette and news so 
> that the cataloger can see how it would look with and without the 
> application of the option:
> Optionally, include the former title as other title information:
> 245 10 Jackson's Oxford gazette and news :$bformerly Flynn's Oxford gazette.
> 1B4. I am confused as to what is going on with the Louisville directory, 
> which appears twice as an example. The first time it makes sense. It 
> doesn't make sense as an example of the date being part of the title proper 
> (which I *would* like to see an example of, since as a monographic 
> cataloger I'm having trouble wrapping my brains around the concept).

Are the two provisions meant to be combined, so that one omits the
information and includes the mark of omission?  "Linking word."  Define
please.  Prepositional phrase?  How about a date in an oblique case with
no linking word. 

> 1B5. You already said this in 0C3. Do you need to repeat it here? This 
> brings up the question of what constitutes a title change. It needs to be 
> treated somewhere, I think. Do you want to refer people to the new AACR2 
> "major change" appendix? Are there going to be differences between regular 
> and rare serials as to what constitutes a title change? Will rare serials 
> catalogers be more (or less) prone to find a title change (thus triggering 
> a new record) than a regular serials cataloger? Some guidance is needed. 
> Where it belongs in the rules I am not sure. Any ideas?

I really think this belongs in section 0 or in an equivalent to Pt. 2 of
AACR2.  After all, this is a question of what constitutes an individual
serial or of when one entity becomes another entity.

> 1D1 refers to 1.1.E, which must be referring to the AACR2 1.1E--should 
> refer to the DCRM rule

1E2. The example needs to be clearer, with an example of where the
statement of responsibility appears elsewhere.

> 1E3 says not to record a statement of responsibility for the editor. What 
> if the person named is the *author* of the serial? I know these are rare, 
> but they do exist.
> 1E3 option. How does this differ from 1E2? I may be missing something here, 
> but they both seem to be saying about the same thing. Or possibly 1E2 would 
> make more sense if it FOLLOWED 1E3--1E3 says optionally to transcribe S of 
> R if it is integral to other title info; 1E2 says that if S of R has been 
> transcribed as part of OTI (presumably in application of 1E3?) not to give 
> a further S of R.

option: "integral"  As I said about 1B1, this term (practice) needs
definition, particularly because what is integral or grammatically linked
in one language doesn't always seem to be considered "integral" in another

> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Robert L. Maxwell
> Special Collections and Ancient Languages Cataloger
> 6430 Harold B. Lee Library
> Brigham Young University
> Provo, UT 84602
> (801) 378-5568
> robert_maxwell at byu.edu
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Laurence S. Creider
Head, General Cataloging Unit
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM  88011
Work: 505-646-4707
Fax: 505-646-7477
lcreider at lib.nmsu.edu

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