[DCRM-L] Relator terms

Kate Moriarty moriarks at slu.edu
Wed Dec 6 12:16:52 MST 2006

This thread has pointed out a discrepancy in Saint Louis University's 
cataloging of its rare and circulating materials. For circulating 
materials, we've been using relator *codes* but only in our local 
system. For our rare materials we use relator *terms* in OCLC master 
records. In both cases we apply relators to name and corporate entries. 
Discussion here at SLU continues...


Randal Brandt wrote:

> And for UC Berkeley as well, although we use relator codes not relator 
> terms.
> Randy
> At 11:18 AM 12/5/2006, Ryan Hildebrand wrote:
>> This is also true for UC Irvine.
>> -Ryan
>>Ryan Hildebrand, Special
>>Collections and Archives Cataloger
>>UCI Libraries, P.O. Box 19557, University of California, Irvine, CA
>>Telephone: (949) 824-2263 | Fax: (949)
>> On 12/5/2006 10:20 AM, R. Arvid Nelsen wrote:
>>> UCSD uses relator terms extensively for both personal names and 
>>> corporate bodies and these are input into the master records at OCLC.
>>> ~Arvid Nelsen
>>> R. Arvid Nelsen
>>> Coord. of Technical Services/Original Cataloger/Classical Studies 
>>> Librarian
>>> University of California, San Diego
>>> Mandeville Special Collections Library
>>> 9500 Gilman Drive, 0175S
>>> La Jolla, CA 92093-0175
>>> Phone: 858-534-6766
>>> Fax: 858-534-5950
>>> >>> ejh at grolierclub.org <mailto:ejh at grolierclub.org> 12/05/06 
>>> 06:05AM >>>
>>> The Grolier Club also makes extensive use of relator terms, both for 
>>> individuals and corporate bodies.
>>> At 08:55 AM 12/5/2006, you wrote:
>>>> Same for the Folger. Plus the many relators for printers and 
>>>> booksellers identified as a corporate body, of the "710 2_ Haeredes 
>>>> Nicolai Bevilaquae, |e printer" variety  
>>>>     -----Original Message----- 
>>>>     From: dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu
>>>>     <mailto:dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu> [
>>>>     mailto:dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu] On Behalf Of Hillyard, Brian 
>>>>     Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 6:20 AM 
>>>>     To: DCRM Revision Group List 
>>>>     Subject: RE: [DCRM-L] Relator terms
>>>>     Bob 
>>>>     One of the most common uses of relators in 710 must be for
>>>>     indexing former ownership by institutions (e.g. monastic,
>>>>     British Museum duplicates, and so on).  We would have hundreds
>>>>     if not thousands of these. 
>>>>     Best wishes 
>>>>     Brian 
>>>>     ********************************************* 
>>>>     Dr Brian Hillyard 
>>>>     Rare Book Collections Manager 
>>>>     National Library of Scotland 
>>>>     George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EW 
>>>>     E-mail: b.hillyard at nls.uk <mailto:b.hillyard at nls.uk> 
>>>>     Direct dial: +44 (0)131 623 3889 
>>>>     Fax: +44 (0)131 623 3888
>>>>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>     From: dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu
>>>>     <mailto:dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu> [
>>>>     mailto:dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu] On Behalf Of Robert Maxwell 
>>>>     Sent: 05 December 2006 00:10 
>>>>     To: DCRM Revision Group List 
>>>>     Subject: [DCRM-L] Relator terms 
>>>>     Dear DCRMers, 
>>>>     We seem to be winding down somewhat on the final touches to
>>>>     DCRM, so I thought I'd introduce another topic entirely :-)
>>>>     Speaking of which, MANY congratulations and thanks to Manon,
>>>>     Deborah, and all you others who have contributed so much to this!
>>>>     As many of you are, we are an RLIN library working on the
>>>>     transition to OCLC. We've taped our records to OCLC for years
>>>>     but never cataloged in the system. In order to continue our PCC
>>>>     BIBCO work we recently applied for and were granted the
>>>>     appropriate cataloging enhance statuses. However there was a
>>>>     small glitch. OCLC wanted a set of sample records, and I chose
>>>>     a variety of BYU original records that were already in OCLC
>>>>     through our tapeloading. This sample included a few of my own
>>>>     cataloging records. Although we were given the enhance status
>>>>     we needed, a few of the records were returned to me with
>>>>     "problems" circled in red. And these "problems" were all on my
>>>>     records and they were all instances where I had included
>>>>     relator terms with added entries :-(
>>>>     The OCLC examiners had two issues: (1) LCRI 21.0D supposedly
>>>>     forbids the use of relator terms, and (2) AACR2 only allows
>>>>     relators to be used with personal names, not corporate bodies. 
>>>>     Now the answer to (1) seems fairly straightforward to me--LCRI
>>>>     21.0D is explicitly labelled "LC Practice", meaning it need not
>>>>     apply outside LC (and as a matter of fact I happen to know that
>>>>     the LC Practice label was added specifically so that BIBCO
>>>>     catalogers could use relator terms). 
>>>>     The answer to (2) is a little more tricky--frankly I had never
>>>>     dreamed that we couldn't use "$e printer" or "$e publisher"
>>>>     after a corporate body (e.g. Arion Press, $e printer or Book
>>>>     Club of California, $e publisher), but now that it has been
>>>>     pointed out to me 21.0D does in fact say "In the cases noted
>>>>     below, add [a] ... designation of function to an added entry
>>>>     for a person". (MARC documentation certainly allows for use of
>>>>     relators terms in 710 fields.) I was told by someone at LC that
>>>>     it had been recently proposed to JSC to correct this and add
>>>>     corporate bodies to the rule but it had been withdrawn pending
>>>>     RDA, but I don't remember anything about such a proposal. 
>>>>     As the new kid on the block I don't really want to get a
>>>>     reputation for belligerency (and in fact I really don't WANT to
>>>>     be belligerent!) but I do want to clarify this and so I intend
>>>>     to bring it up with the person who examined our records, but
>>>>     after I've consulted you folks. It does seem to me that relator
>>>>     terms add quite a bit of value to entries, especially
>>>>     considering FRBR's emphasis on clarifying the relationships
>>>>     between entities (e.g. between persons or corporate bodies and
>>>>     works, expressions, manifestations, or items). They are also
>>>>     essential to the indexing in our catalog. I am talking about
>>>>     relator terms, not codes, by the way. 
>>>>     I'd be interested in your thoughts, on two fronts: (1) I have
>>>>     been assuming that most of the rare cataloging community does
>>>>     use relator terms in their work, but I could be wrong--so I'd
>>>>     be interested in hearing what your practice is (including do
>>>>     you use them with corporate bodies, and does your library use
>>>>     them outside special collections cataloging); and (2) those of
>>>>     you who are experienced OCLC catalogers, including enhance
>>>>     libraries, do you use them in OCLC master records? I suppose
>>>>     one could enhance or create the master record and then add
>>>>     relators to the local record but that does seem a bit a shame
>>>>     to me ... 
>>>>     And of course anything else you have to say about this issue
>>>>     would be of great interest. And any other tips on becoming a
>>>>     successful OCLC cataloging entity! 
>>>>     Thanks, 
>>>>     Bob 
>>>>     Robert L. Maxwell 
>>>>     Special Collections and Ancient Languages Catalog Librarian 
>>>>     Genre/Form Authorities Librarian 
>>>>     6728 Harold B. Lee Library 
>>>>     Brigham Young University 
>>>>     Provo, UT 84602 
>>>>     (801)422-5568 
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>>> Eric Holzenberg
>>> Director
>>> The Grolier Club
>>> 47 East 60th Street
>>> New York, NY  10022
>>> phone: 212/838-6690
>>> fax: 212/838-2445
>>> e-mail: ejh at grolierclub.org <mailto:ejh at grolierclub.org>
>>> website: www.grolierclub.org <http://www.grolierclub.org/>
>>Ryan Hildebrand, Special Collections and Archives Cataloger
>>UCI Libraries, P.O. Box 19557, University of California, Irvine, CA
>>Telephone: (949) 824-2263 | Fax: (949)
> __________________________
> Randal Brandt
> Principal Cataloger
> The Bancroft Library
> (510) 643-2275
> rbrandt at library.berkeley.edu
> http://bancroft.berkeley.edu
> <http://bancroft.berkeley.edu/>

Kate S. Moriarty
Rare Book Catalog Librarian
Pius XII Memorial Library
Saint Louis University
3650 Lindell Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63108
Phone: (314) 977-3098
moriarks at slu.edu

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