[DCRM-L] Area 7 comments

Deborah J. Leslie DJLeslie at FOLGER.edu
Sun Oct 1 17:10:03 MDT 2006

Thanks, Windy. More below.
Deborah J. Leslie, M.A., M.L.S.
Chair, RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee
Head of Cataloging, Folger Shakespeare Library
201 East Capitol St., S.E., Washington, D.C. 20003 
djleslie at folger.edu || 202.675-0369 || http://www.folger.edu   
		-----Original Message-----
		From: dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu
[mailto:dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu] On Behalf Of Windy Lundy
		Sent: 20 September 2006 00:47
		To: 'DCRM Revision Group List'
		Subject: RE: [DCRM-L] Area 7 comments

		Following are a few additional comments on Area 7.  I
have tried not to say what Ryan and Joe have already noted.
		7B6: "Make notes to convey the following information:"
This instruction seems unnecessary.  Other rules do not have such a
statement between the rule caption and the sub rule, whether or not the
sub rule itself has a caption, e.g., 7B4 or 7B9.[DJL]  I agree. Deleted.
		7B6.5, 2nd example:  a question: could the example be
phrased differently so that the equal sign is not used?  Even in a note,
the use of the equal sign makes me think there is a a parallel title
involved.  Suggest either to replace "=" with "is" or to substitute the
following: "By Charles Pigott, the author of The virtues of
nature."[DJL]  Changed example to read: Charles Pigott is the author of
The virtue of nature
		7B7.2, immediately before examples at top of p. 126:
suggest delete colon in "'References:' note."  See usage without colon
("'References' note") on p. 119 in rule 7A1.3 and see my comments below
for rule 7B18. [DJL] Changed
		7B9.3, 2nd example:  "or" should be left justified so
that "Signatures:" is indented at the same indention as the 1st example.
[DJL] Fixed
		7B9.7, last example: for "(in Hebrew chracters)" read
"(in Hebrew characters)" [DJL] Fixed
		7B18.  "With:" notes.  I agree with Ryan's comment,
"Page 139, 7B19.3.4 gives the instruction, 'Preface the note with the
words "Bound with" followed by a colon,' while in 7B18 the colon for
'With:' notes is indicated only implicitly. Should the instructions be
harmonized? I prefer for both intellectual and typographical clarity the
instruction given in 7B19.3.4."  I too suggest that rule 7B18 make
explicit the instruction to begin the note with the word "With" followed
by a colon.  "'With:' notes" is the phrase used as the caption of DCRB
7C19, but the "Bound with" instance in DCRM(B) 7B19.3.4 seems clearer to
me and is supported by similar instructions to begin notes with
"Signatures" (7B9.1) and "References" (7B14.1) and a colon.  AACR2
2.7B21 uses the caption "'With' notes."  If the editors agree, then the
caption of 7B18 would read "'With' notes" and the first sentence of
7B18.1 could end "make a note beginning with the word 'With' followed by
a colon."  Such wording would take care of the problem Ryan noted about
the final punctuation of the sentence ending with "With:" [DJL] Agree;
		7B19.1c: should "'bound with' notes" be "'Bound with'
notes"? [DJL] Yes; fixed.
		I hope these comments are helpful. [DJL] Yes oh yes.
		M. Winslow Lundy
		Assistant Professor
		Head of Monographic Cataloging
		Cataloging & Metadata Services Department
		University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries
		184 UCB
		Boulder, CO 80309
		phone: 303-492-3918
		fax: 303-492-0494
		email: windy.lundy at colorado.edu
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