[DCRM-L] Area 1 DCRM(B)

J.P. Brigham brigham at seanet.com
Mon Sep 11 23:48:14 MDT 2006

Comments on Area 1:



Add boldface: "1A1. Prescribed punctuation



Deborah, your editorial notes say you prefer "materials" over "monographs" and this paragraph is titled "Multipart monographs." I wasn't sure if you wanted to change it and as well the same phrase within to "multipart materials" or not, but I thought I'd bring it to your attention.



End of line 4: insert "bibliographic" to read "areas in the bibliographic record (or"



Remove "Indicate" and insert "Record"



Add "On" to "First page:" to read "On first page:" which will reflect the form used in Area 0. While scanning down through Area 0 to see how the source and transcription examples were handled as a reference for this, I noticed that some example headings were italicized and some were not, so that might need reviewing for consistency, for example: 0F2.1, 0G2.2, 0G2.3, 0G3.1, 0g3.4, 0G3.7 not italics; 0G3.5, 0G4.1, 0G4.2 in italics. Someone else may well have already noted that.



End of line 5: remove "Indicate" and insert "Record"

Further down: change the first 2 of 3 "Note:" to italics



Line 5: replace "When" with "If"



Add boldface: "1C1. Order and source of parallel titles"



Line 3: remove "generally" in "generally transcribe all the names mentioned. Optionally, if the ." 

In my opinion it's unnecessary, and I didn't see it used elsewhere prior to the O word when I quickly scanned except with D3.1/D3.2. If you change 1E5, you may also want to remove it in D3.1. 

I sure like the Find tool for this editing - makes it much faster to find words and phrases you want us to keep an eye out for.



Add boldface: "By same person or body."



Line 4: change "give" to "supply"


Use of "should" in:

1G3. line 4 perhaps could read: In general, apply this instruction only when .

1G7. line 5 perhaps could remain as is: "and it is impossible to decide which side should be read first, ."


That's all I noted - congratulations once again to you and your committee.



Joan Brigham

Seattle, WA


jbrigham at myuw.washington.edu

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