[DCRM-L] Quoted notes was Area 2 comments

Deborah J. Leslie DJLeslie at FOLGER.edu
Wed Sep 20 13:25:29 MDT 2006

Pretty persuasive, I think. And taking it for granted that Manon didn't
neglect to copy counter-examples, I find myself converted. 


Deborah J. Leslie, M.A., M.L.S.
Chair, RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee
Head of Cataloging, Folger Shakespeare Library
201 East Capitol St., S.E., Washington, D.C. 20003
djleslie at folger.edu <mailto:djleslie at folger.edu>   |  202.675-0369  |
http://www.folger.edu <http://www.folger.edu> 

-----Original Message-----
From: dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu [mailto:dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu] On
Behalf Of Manon Theroux
Sent: Wednesday, 20 September, 2006 15:18
To: DCRM Revision Group List
Subject: RE: [DCRM-L] Quoted notes was Area 2 comments


I've made the distinction between these two types of notes for many
years and, obviously, I agree with Randy's assessment that changing the
note as has been suggested would imply that the phrase itself appeared
over a span of pages. 

I've included snippets from various cataloging standards and guidelines
below, in the hopes that it will help to resolve the issue (which I
never imagined would be so controversial!)



MARC21, under 505$a:
500 ## $a"Table of statutes and regulations": p. xvii-xxv.
[Unformatted content note recorded in field 500.]

MARC21, under 504$a:
504 ## $a"Selected bibliography": v. 1, p. 351-358, v. 2, p. 234-236.

LCRI 2.7B18. "Contents":
500 ## $a "Life cycle of the liver fluke": leaves 75-89.
500 ## $a "Types of prayer wheels found in south central Tibet, by Mei
Lin": p. [310]-[375].

DCRB, 7C16 "Contents":
"List of the author's unpublished poems": p. 151-158 

Finally, in the book "Notes in the catalog record" by Jerry Saye and
Sherry Vellucci, see the *many* examples in the two sections on the use
of quoted titles in informal contents notes (p. 398 and p. 400). 


MARC21, under 500$a:
500 ## $a"The first American Jewish weekly of its kind"--The Jewish
encyclopedia, v. 8. 

AACR2, 1.7 "Quotations":
"A textbook for 6th form students"-Pref.
"Generally considered to be by William Langland"-Oxford companion to
English literature

DCRB, 7B3 Form of notes, "Quotations"
"Generally considered to be by William Langland"--Harvey, P. Oxford
companion to Engl. lit.
"The principal additional music, contained in 72 pages, may be had, half
bound, with or without the rules, price four shillings and

Many other examples are scattered throughout various rules....


At 01:36 PM 9/20/2006, you wrote:

No, I confess that I do not get the same inference from the format of
"Preface to the first edition"--P. 5-7 as does Randy. As far as I'm
aware, I've always treated words within quotation marks the same,
whether they're quoting the location of a string of words or indicating
the location of a section by its title. 
Deborah J. Leslie, M.A., M.L.S.
Chair, RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee
Head of Cataloging, Folger Shakespeare Library
201 East Capitol St., S.E., Washington, D.C. 20003
djleslie at folger.edu  |  202.675-0369  |  http://www.folger.edu 

-----Original Message-----
From: dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu [ mailto:dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu
<mailto:dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu> ] On
Behalf Of Will Evans
Sent: Wednesday, 20 September, 2006 13:01
To: 'DCRM Revision Group List'
Subject: [DCRM-L] Quoted notes was Area 2 comments

Mr. Brandt wrote:

  "Preface to the first edition"--P. 5-7. (and, yes, you would have 
to capitalize the "P.")

This implies, to me, that the phrase "Preface to the first edition"
pages 5 through 7, which is obviously absurd. 

Does the format of the above quoted note have the same implication to
rest of the RBMS community as it does to Mr. Brandt? I'm afraid I use
format all the time. To me it implies text with the title "Preface to
first edition" can be found on p. 5-7.  Is this wrong?

Thanks in advance,


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