[DCRM-L] Introduction comments

Deborah J. Leslie DJLeslie at FOLGER.edu
Thu Sep 21 13:30:28 MDT 2006

Possibly because the definition of core-level cataloging is a bibco endeavor, is it not, whereas full-level cataloging did not originate with PCC. Therefore, mention of bibco requirements make sense in the section on, but not necessarily in the section on full. 

Deborah J. Leslie, M.A., M.L.S.
Chair, RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee
Head of Cataloging, Folger Shakespeare Library
201 East Capitol St., S.E., Washington, D.C. 20003
djleslie at folger.edu || 202.675-0369 || http://www.folger.edu   

-----Original Message-----
From: dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu [mailto:dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu] On Behalf Of Manon Theroux
Sent: 21 September 2006 15:26
To: DCRM Revision Group List
Subject: RE: [DCRM-L] Introduction comments

You're right, Nina, at least for PCC full-level 
records. The BIBCO Manual seems pretty clear 
about it. I'm so glad you spoke up.

So, in the full-level section of the Intro, we need to strike:

"The name headings need not be established using 
authority records, although full authority work 
will generally result in greater consistency of headings and improved access."

And I suggest we include the following somewhere in that paragraph:

"If an institution is a BIBCO participant, 
contributing full-level records as part of the 
Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC), all 
headings must be established in the LC/NACO and LC/SACO Authority Files."

to parallel the text in the core-level section.

Now I wonder what led me/us to think the way we 
did. This text has been in the Pre-Cataloging 
Decisions section for a long time!


At 02:47 PM 9/21/2006, nschneider at nypl.org wrote:
>In the BIBCO Participants Manual
>(http://www.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/bibco/bpm.pdf), take a look at B5.2 (PCC
>Full Standards), and especially paragraph 2.
>Based on this, I've always assumed that Full-level records require
>authorized headings.
>Nina Schneider
>Berg Collection of English & American Literature, Room 320
>The New York Public Library
>Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street
>New York, NY  10018-2788
>Tel.: (212) 642-0111
>Fax.: (212) 930-0079
>nschneider at nypl.org
>              Manon Theroux
>              <manon.theroux at ya
>              le.edu>                                                    To
>              Sent by:                  DCRM Revision Group List
>              dcrm-l-bounces at li         <dcrm-l at lib.byu.edu>
>              b.byu.edu                                                  cc
>                                                                    Subject
>              09/20/2006 06:15          RE: [DCRM-L] Introduction comments
>              PM
>              Please respond to
>                DCRM Revision
>                 Group List
>              <dcrm-l at lib.byu.e
>                     du>
>       9. On p. 20: Fourth paragraph, beginning, "Although treatment of
>       headings..." Re. Full-level cataloging: "The name headings need not
>       be
>       established using authority records, although full authority work
>       will
>       generally result in greater consistency of headings and improved
>       access."
>       This in contrast to the Core-level which states that headings must be
>       established in the LC/NACO and SACO files.
>       [DJL]: Sorry Nina, I̢۪m missing your ur point.
>       [NS]: The point here is that Core-level records and Full-level
>       records require
>       full authority work. The sentence in this fourth paragraph states,
>       "The
>       name headings need not be established using authority records,
>       although
>       full authority work will generally result in greater consistency of
>       headings and improved access." This makes it sound as if any
>       authority work
>       is optional in Full-level records, which is not true. I would suggest
>       either changing this sentence to requre authority work or deleting it
>       altogether.
>[MT]: Creating authority records for headings in full-level records isn't a
>requirement, as far as I know. If anyone can point to something that says
>otherwise, please do! I think the only time we're *required* to back up
>headings with authority records is in PCC core-level records (and even then
>you can weasel out of creating a series authority record by transcribing
>the series as "untraced" if you want to!).

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