[DCRM-L] RE: Area 4
Deborah J. Leslie
DJLeslie at FOLGER.edu
Sat Sep 30 10:43:58 MDT 2006
Thanks, Carol. Responses below.
Deborah J. Leslie, M.A., M.L.S.
Chair, RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee
Head of Cataloging, Folger Shakespeare Library
201 East Capitol St., S.E., Washington, D.C. 20003
djleslie at folger.edu || 202.675-0369 || http://www.folger.edu
-----Original Message-----
From: cep2 at columbia.edu [mailto:cep2 at columbia.edu]
Sent: 22 September 2006 12:22
To: Deborah J. Leslie
Subject: Area 4
Deborah--My queries, corrections, etc.
I suppose it is too late to change text but if it were possible
to change
" ... too numerous and that some may be omitted ... " to " ...
numerous to transcribe fully and that some may be omitted ... "
in 4B6.2,
in 4B13.2 and 4C6.2, it would be useful and the rule would be
easier to
follow.[DJL] I don't see the necessity of this addition, but
since others may agree with you that it make the rules easier to follow,
I've tentatively added "for full transcription" after "numerous." I'd
like to hear comments in support or against this change.
4C5 header should be amended to mimic 4B9 "Publisher statements
or incorrect" should read "Publisher statements that are
fictitious or
incorrect"[DJL] Good catch! I changed both of these captions to
begin "Fictitious or iincorrect ..."
4C10 In the editorial comment, is there any way to check whether
transcription should read "ces" as it does here or "cens" as it
does in
a similar record in OCLC? (Search under keywords Symon Vostre
and date 1500
to retrieve the variant in question.)[DJL] The "cens" must be
in error. "Ces presentes heures a lusage de ...", with some variation on
spelling of "l'usage", is a standard phrase for French books of hours.
4D header reads "Date of publication ...." while the header for
4D3 reads
"Dates of publication ... " Should they be consistent?[DJL] You
bet. 4D3, 4D4, 4D5, 4D7, 4D8. Changed "Dates" in caption to "Date".
Search of AACR2 confirmed that while both forms ("date of publication"
and "dates of publication") are used, the singular is much more common,
even in chapter 12, unless discussing situations explicitly involving
two or more dates. I couldn't find any examples of the plural used in a
Again 4E header reads "Place of manufacture" while the header
for 4E2
reads "Supplied places of manufacture" and the text begins "If
the place
of manufacture ... " Should the form be consistent?[DJL]
Changed. Also in 4E2, I assume
that there is no period at the end of "Tullis Russell & Co" but
I can't
prove it.[DJL] Added, per 0G3.1
Carol Pardo
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