Manon Theroux manon.theroux at gmail.com
Thu Dec 9 16:43:14 MST 2010

MARC21 has this example:
Leader/18 	i
040 	##$aDLC$cDLC$erda$edcrmb

Is this how LC is coding records created according to LCPS 0.2? (DCRM
rules + RDA access points)?

It seems like such a strange mix of standards ... the $e rda would
only apply to the access points and the $e dcrmb would apply to the
rest of the record.

Does it mean we don't need to worry about "RDA-izing" the DCRM rules?
We can just keep creating DCRM records, code them as above, and update
the access points to new forms as needed? And even though LC is making
the cut-off at 1801, we don't necessarily have to follow suit?


On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 3:46 PM, Manon Theroux <manon.theroux at gmail.com> wrote:
> =======================
> LCPS for 0.2
> LC practice: The Library of Congress uses the descriptive standards
> listed below instead of RDA for its cataloging of certain resources.
> Access points are constructed according to RDA instructions.
> Archival Moving Image Materials: a Cataloging Manual, 2nd ed.
> (Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution
> Service, 2000).
> Cataloging Cultural Objects: a Guide to Describing Cultural Works and
> Their Images (Chicago: American Library Association, 2006).
> Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Books) (Washington, D.C.:
> Cataloging Distribution Service, 2007).
> Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Serials) (Washington, D.C.:
> Cataloging Distribution Service, Library of Congress, 2008).
> Parker, Elisabeth Betz, Graphic Materials: Rules for Describing
> Original Items and Historical Collections (Washington, D.C.: Library
> of Congress, 1982– ).
> Society of American Archivists, Describing Archives: a Content
> Standard (Chicago: Society of American Archivists, ©2004).
>  =====================
> LCPS for 0.9
> The Library of Congress will apply the guidelines in Descriptive
> Cataloging of Rare Materials (Books) for books published before 1801
> instead of the RDA exceptions for early printed resources.

 Manon Théroux
 Head of Technical Services
 U.S. Senate Library
 SR-B15 Russell Senate Office Building
 Washington, DC  20510-7112

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