[DCRM-L] Question about tironian notes in DCRM(B)

jnelson at law.berkeley.edu jnelson at law.berkeley.edu
Wed Aug 17 17:26:28 MDT 2011

Dear DCRM-Listers,
 I was asked the below question by someone from the
Latin for Catalogers workshop. Since it is a little out of my purview and
expertise, I thought I would put it to this group.
 Best regards,


 "...In DCRB, catalogers were instructed to transcribe the
Tironian sign for "et" as "[et]" if they were unable to reproduce it. DCRMB
0G8.2 says to transcribe a Tironian sign as an ampersand without brackets.
When DCRMB was published, I didn't understand the reason for this change,
and I still don't. To me it seems better to transcribe a Trionian sign as
'[et]' because it is from a special shorthand system and the ampersand was
created from the ligature of the word 'et' ... do you have any insight into
this rule change?" 

Jennifer K. Nelson
Reference Librarian
The Robbins
UC Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall)
Berkeley, CA
jnelson at law.berkeley.edu [1]
Tel: 510.643.9709
www.law.berkeley.edu/library/robbins/ [2]

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