[DCRM-L] Clarification of leaves and pages (6JSC/LC/21 Clarification of leaves and pages
Noble, Richard
richard_noble at brown.edu
Fri Aug 17 10:35:46 MDT 2012
AACR2 was itself incoherent. One was to give the number of pages or leaves
"in accordance with the terminology suggested by the volume. That is,
describe a volume with leaves printed on both sides in terms of pages;
describe a volume with leaves printed on,one side only in terms of leaves
...", with no provision for foliation at all. So what *does* a foliated
volume with leaves printed on both sides *suggest*? What does "suggest"
mean? I guess it depends on what you mean by "mean"...
DCRM(B) 5B1.2 is, by comparison, admirably clear as to the meaning of the
terms and explicit as to their use. It is, of course, *most* unfortunate
that we do not make use of the the term "folios" or some such. It only adds
to confusion engendered by the unfortunate ambiguity of "leaves" as used in
stating extent, an ambiguity which remains in DCRM(B), the possibility for
notes outside the descriptive field notwithstanding.
Now along comes RDA, with a draft rule that explicitly states or
unadvisedly implies that "foliated" means "*printed* on one side
only"--perfect nonsense. Unless they're being very imprecise, and mean
"with printed numbering on one side only". And there's still no provision
for simply following what the volume provides, even though that's what your
told to do.
The necessity for separate "rare book" rules (or simply alternate rules for
adequate and coherent physical description) has never been clearer.
PROVIDENCE, RI 02912 : 401-863-1187/FAX 863-3384 : RICHARD_NOBLE at BROWN.EDU
On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 11:58 AM, Robert Maxwell <robert_maxwell at byu.edu>wrote:
> In this regard, I point out to DCRM-Lers that RDA (which defines pages
> in leaves in terms of numbering) changed this from AACR2 (which defines
> pages and leaves in terms of how the sheet is printed) to be in line with
> the DCRM(B) treatment of pages and leaves; this revision proposal,
> unfortunately, changes it back to the AACR2 treatment. I think it’s a step
> backwards, naturally, since I’m sympathetic with the DCRMB treatment.****
> ** **
> Bob****
> ** **
> Robert L. Maxwell****
> Special Collections and Ancient Languages Catalog Librarian****
> Genre/Form Authorities Librarian****
> 6728 Harold B. Lee Library****
> Brigham Young University****
> Provo, UT 84602****
> (801)422-5568 ****
> ** **
> "We should set an example for all the world, rather than confine ourselves
> to the course which has been heretofore pursued"--Eliza R. Snow, 1842.****
> ** **
> *From:* dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu [mailto:dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu] *On
> Behalf Of *Lapka, Francis
> *Sent:* Friday, August 17, 2012 9:05 AM
> *To:* dcrm-l at lib.byu.edu
> *Subject:* [DCRM-L] Clarification of leaves and pages (6JSC/LC/21
> Clarification of leaves and pages****
> ** **
> Subscribers to this list may be interested in a proposal from the Library
> of Congress to “clarify” the definitions of the terms “leaves” and “pages”
> in RDA. The proposed revisions are as follows:****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> * Single Volume With Numbered Pages, Leaves, or Columns *
> For a resource consisting of a single volume, record the extent in terms
> of pages, leaves, or columns as appropriate to the presentation used in the
> resource, applying the following general guidelines: ****
> **a) **If the volume is paginated (i.e., if there are page numbers
> on both sides of the leaves *e.g., if leaves are printed on both sides*),
> record the number of pages.****
> **b) **If the volume is foliated (i.e., if there are leaf numbers on
> only one side of the leaves *e.g., if leaves are printed on one side*),
> record the number of leaves.****
> ** **
> [Rest of instruction unchanged]****
> ** **
> *Glossary *
> ****
> *Leaf: A subunit of a volume; a single bound or fastened sheet of paper
> forms a leaf; each leaf consists of two pages, one on each side, either or
> both of which may be blank.*
> *Page: A single side of a leaf*
> ** **
> ** **
> The full text of the LC proposal is available here:****
> http://www.rda-jsc.org/docs/6JSC-LC-21.pdf****
> ** **
> ** **
> Subscribers to the PCC-list may have already read a healthy discussion on
> this issue at the beginning of the month. Bob Maxwell offered good
> arguments for why the proposed modification may be detrimental. Liz O’Keefe
> noted that the proposed definition for leaf would exclude manuscripts that
> are neither bound nor fastened together. For those not subscribed to the
> PCC list, a summary of comments is available on the CC:DA wiki:****
> http://wikis.ala.org/ccda/index.php/6JSC/LC/21****
> ** **
> CC:DA will soon discuss this proposal in order to formulate an official
> ALA/CC:DA position ahead of the upcoming meeting of JSC. I will of course
> be happy to convey the thoughts of the DCRM community to CC:DA.****
> ** **
> ** **
> Thanks,****
> Francis****
> ** **
> (RBMS Liaison to CC:DA)****
> ** **
> ** **
> _________________________________****
> *Francis Lapka, Catalog Librarian*
> Yale Center for British Art, Department of Rare Books and Manuscripts****
> 1080 Chapel Street, PO Box 208280, New Haven, CT 06520****
> 203.432.9672 francis.lapka at yale.edu****
> ** **
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