[DCRM-L] ALA MW discussion topic, especially for BSC and DCRM editorial teams
Laurence S. Creider
lcreider at lib.nmsu.edu
Mon Jan 16 12:45:13 MST 2012
I won't be at Midwinter, so here are a very few comments to the excellent
job you have done.
1E6.4. Your comment should probably become a Note in Area 7. This
situation nicely illustrates the tension between the need for
intelligibility and the need to identify the manifestation.
1F10.5 How is this different from 1F10.2? Why does it require a special
provision? I am not sure.
1F10.6 Why does the language of the other title information need to match
the language of the SOR?
6C2. Cantiones Sacrae ; Nr. 3. As you know, this series has a Latin
title with a German numbering designation. German is happy with this sort
of macaronic thing, but you might provide a note or find another example?
6E2.1 and 6.E2.2 This would be better with the two rules in reversed
order, that his with the general rule before the specific situation.
That's it. Very useful job. I sent an improved letter on your behalf in
December; I hope you application has better results this time. You
deserve it.
I am about halfway through my sentence as department head. My new year's
wish is a good department head. If know anyone you can suggest, you might
point them to the position announcement:
http://lib.nmsu.edu/aboutlib/ArchDH2012.pdf We will start looking at
applications in early February, but there is not a firm cut off date.
May you have an excellent 2012!
Best wishes,
Laurence S. Creider
Interim Head
Archives and Special Collections Dept.
University Library
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003
Work: 575-646-4756
Fax: 575-646-7477
lcreider at lib.nmsu.edu
On Thu, January 5, 2012 11:45 am, Fletcher, Jain wrote:
> Hello, everyone,
> In the course of our DCRM(M) post-review editing, I have found some
> issues around parallel / multiple language cataloging that need
> discussion. Jane Carpenter has been kind enough to add this topic to
> the BSC agenda at MidWinter. In letting BSC know about it, she gave
> them a nice summary statement, which I am including below, because it
> is so concisely informative:
> In response to comments from members of the Music Library Association
> (MLA) that DCRM(M) draft rules did not offer enough guidance on
> transcribing parallel bibliographic information, Jain Fletcher and the
> DCRM(M) Editorial Team began studying and comparing AACR2 and DCRM rules
> relating to parallel statements. The Team felt that they needed to write
> more detailed rules for parallel statements in DCRM(M) than were found in
> DCRM(B), and that the Graphics and Cartographic Teams might want to follow
> suit. Books and Serials might consider rewriting their instructions for
> parallel statements for future revisions.
> The Music Team has requested time at the Midwinter meeting to bring some
> of their issues, and the results of their research on parallel statements
> to the members of BSC for their comment (see proposed discussion points at
> end of "Background and Overview" document).
> Attached are four documents which Jain Fletcher created as background
> reading for discussion at Midwinter:
> * Background and Overview of need for more detailed guidance on
> transcribing parallel statements
> * DCRM(M) draft rules, expanded (in yellow) to provide more guidance
> and examples for parallel statements
> * Comparison of the rules for parallel statements in AACR2, LCRIs, and
> DCRMs (General, for Books, for Music) - arranged by rule
> * Analytic table of rules for parallel statements in AACR2, LCRIs, and
> DCRMs arranged by type of guidance
> Please take some time to read through this suite of documents, so that you
> come to the Midwinter meeting prepared to comment and to ask questions. I
> know the Music Team editors will appreciate receiving feedback and
> guidance from BSC members. If you have questions about any of the
> documents, please write to Jain Fletcher at
> jfletchr at library.ucla.edu<mailto:jfletchr at library.ucla.edu>.
> Jane had also attached the documents that I provided to her along with
> this message, but now they have been posted on the BSC Conference
> Documents website in PDF form (thanks to Randy Brandt). Here's the link
> to that: <
> http://www.rbms.info/committees/bibliographic_standards/conference-docs/>
> (& they are also linked from the DCRM(M) page, under Conference
> Documents, "Working papers..."). If you want more background about the
> issues, please start by reading the "...Overview" doc (which also
> actually ends by listing the issues I want to pose at BSC). I have to
> admit that my docs are nowhere near as concise as Jane's nice overview,
> but this is a big issue (I believe) and needs some spelling out. One
> thing I can note is that the doc called "...Comparisons" is a full
> outlay of all the pertinent related rules in AACR2 (Ch. 2 & 5), the
> LCRIs, DCRM(B) and DCRM(M). So, as such, it is quite long, but the
> "good news" is that there is NO NEED for anyone to pull out any of
> these rule books to see what they say/do about these issues--that doc
> acts as a "one-stop shopping" reference point (in other words, you
> could even read it all on the plane going to ALA!).
> I am just finalizing the edits to DCRM(Music), new version 5B(!), and I
> am including in it the parallel additions/changes I've suggested in the
> doc called "...Additions - Rule by Rule". I am doing that so you can
> see these changes "in situ", figuring that it will be easier to take
> them out (if you insist!), than to put them in after our discussion.
> Based on how much time I've been taking each evening with my Music 5B
> editing, I am projecting that I will have DCRM(M) version 5B ready for
> viewing by this coming Monday, Jan. 9. So you will also be able to take
> a look at these changes in a DCRM doc at that time.
> Thanks,
> Jain
> Jain Fletcher
> Principal Cataloger & Head, Cataloging Section
> Collection Management Division
> Library Special Collections
> Young Research Library - UCLA Box 951575
> Los Angeles, CA 90095-1575
> v: (310) 794-4096
> f: (310) 206-1864
> e: jfletchr at library.ucla.edu<mailto:jfletchr at library.ucla.edu>
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