[DCRM-L] Form of citation - 510 field

Kathie Coblentz kathiecoblentz at nypl.org
Thu Feb 20 13:49:05 MST 2014

On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 2:00 PM, <dcrm-l-request at lib.byu.edu> wrote:

> 1. Re: Form of citation - 510 field (Robert Maxwell)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Robert Maxwell <robert_maxwell at byu.edu>
> To: "DCRM Users' Group" <dcrm-l at lib.byu.edu>
> Cc:
> Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 19:43:31 +0000
> Subject: Re: [DCRM-L] Form of citation - 510 field
> Oksana,
> Authors of bibliographies routinely refer to themselves as editors or
> compilers on the title page. But if you think about what they in fact did,
> they wrote the bibliography. That is, they are the author (a.k.a. creator
> in RDA terms). They are neither editing somebody else's work nor compiling
> a group of works by other persons. They are creating an original work (the
> bibliography).
> Bob
> Robert L. Maxwell
> Ancient Languages and Special Collections Cataloger
> 6728 Harold B. Lee Library
> Brigham Young University
> Provo, UT 84602
> (801)422-5568

Yet RDA, in Appendix I.2.1, specifies the use of "compiler" as the
appropriate relationship term for the creator of a bibliography:

"compiler: A person, family, or corporate body responsible for creating a
new work (e.g., a bibliography, a directory) by selecting, arranging,
aggregating, and editing data, information, etc."

This is apparently why the designator "compiler" isn't available for the
situation in which it is most likely to be used by actual human beings, to
go with the name of the person who has assembled stories, poems or essays
into an anthology. That has to be the awkward "editor of compilation." (See
Appendix I.3.1.)

By the way, couldn't "selecting, arranging, aggregating, and editing data,
information, etc." be used to describe the activity of any author, at least
any author not working in purely imaginative literature? And even they
could be said to be selecting and arranging data, I suppose, if only from
their own thoughts and dreams.
Kathie Coblentz, Rare Materials Cataloger
Collections Strategy/Special Formats Processing
The New York Public Library, Stephen A. Schwarzman Building
5th Avenue and 42nd Street
New York, NY  10018
kathiecoblentz at nypl.org

My opinions, not NYPL's
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