[DCRM-L] Question concerning the description of art prints in DCRM(G)

Erin Blake EBlake at FOLGER.edu
Fri Aug 7 11:46:57 MDT 2015

This is a great example of "edition" in the bibliographic sense and "edition" in the printmaking sense partially coinciding. Rest assured that no matter what you decide, the cataloging police won't come after you: describing fine art prints in a system devised for modern books is never going to be straightforward. As long as you include all the relevant information somewhere, you're good to go.

Here's how I'd look at it:

Because the two editions (in the printmaking sense of 'print run') have different transcribed dates, they belong in different bibliographic records. (Prints in the edition of 15 have "83" on them; prints in the edition of 6 do not, so you conjectured [1983?] for a date -- this isn't a change to the matrix, but it is a change that affects the body of the description; don't forget the mandatory note on the source of the conjectured date).

Because there is no difference in the matrix, you wouldn't use the MARC 250: the prints are in the same "state" in the printmaking sense, and that's how DCRM(G) has defined use of Area 2.  Instead, you would use a combination of general notes and local notes to explain the differences:
500 __ $a Édition tirée à 6 exemplaires.
595 __ $a Exemplaire de conservation numéroté: 3/6

(Book people unfamiliar with the picture-world's usage of the terms edition, state, impression, and copy might be interested in a Folger blog post I wrote a while back: http://collation.folger.edu/2013/04/two-disciplines-separated-by-a-common-language/ )

-- Erin.


Erin C. Blake, Ph.D.  |  Head of Collection Information Services  |  Folger Shakespeare Library  |  201 E. Capitol St. SE, Washington, DC, 20003  |  eblake at folger.edu<mailto:eblake at folger.edu>  |  office tel. +1 202-675-0323<tel:%2B1%20202-675-0323>  |  fax +1 202-675-0328<tel:%2B1%20202-675-0328>  |  www.folger.edu<http://www.folger.edu/>

From: dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu [mailto:dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu] On Behalf Of L'Écuyer-Coelho Marie-Chantal
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2015 12:13 PM
To: 'dcrm-l at lib.byu.edu'
Subject: [DCRM-L] Question concerning the description of art prints in DCRM(G)

Hi everyone :)

I am currently describing 3 prints, but I am not certain I did the right thing; that's why I was wondering if someone could tell me if what I did complies with the instructions in DCRM-(G) ...
All three prints are produced from the same matrix and are titled "Labyrinthes".
The first two proofs are printed in monochrome: one with blue ink, the other with magenta ink. They are numbered respectively 8/15 and 2/15 (from which I concluded they belonged to the same edition, even though they present colour variations).
The 3rd proof is also printed in one colour (green this time), and is numbered 1/6.

The proof numbered 8/15 et 2/15 were described in one single bib record (in AACR2).
I therefore decided to create a new record for the 3rd proof, and devised edition statements to distinguish each description.
In the first record, I wrote [Varied edition printed in 15 copies]; in the second [Edition printed in 6 copies].
Is this a "legitimate" way to proceed or should I describe all three proofs in one single bibliographic record?

Below are screenshots of my records (in French).

Many thanks for your kind help!


[cid:image001.png at 01D0D111.72E8E820]

[cid:image002.png at 01D0D111.72E8E820]

Marie-Chantal L'Ecuyer-Coelho
Direction du traitement documentaire des collections patrimoniales
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec
2275, rue Holt
Montréal (Québec) H2G 3H1
Téléphone : 514-873-1101 poste 3730
mc.coelho at banq.qc.ca<mailto:mc.coelho at banq.qc.ca>

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