Schneider, Nina nschneider at humnet.ucla.edu
Fri Mar 6 09:53:20 MST 2015


Manon Theroux, a member of the PCC Standing Committee on Standards, submitted some changes to both the Bibliographic Standard Record (BSR) and CONSER Standard Record (CSR) on our behalf. These changes appeared in the February 17, 2015 update of the RDA Toolkit. I have attached them for your reference. Here is a link to the full list of changes that occurred in the February update:  http://www.loc.gov/aba/rda/pdf/LCPCCPS_changes_2015_Feb.pdf

Another update is in the works and there are a few questions Manon asked for which we might like to discuss over email. 

Policy Statement for 1.8.1 (General guidelines) LC practice/PCC practice for Alternative: Apply the alternative for early printed resources.
Manon's question: Should we change the wording of the Policy Statement from "early printed resources" to "rare materials"?  

I wrote to Manon and said, yes, we should change the wording from "early printed resources" to "rare materials." I'm also thinking that further refinements will be necessary. If recording numbers  "expressed as numerals or as words in the form in which they appear on the source of information in the following elements" will there be a need for an instruction for rare materials to "record numbers expressed as numerals or as words in the form in which they appear on the source of information" and then add an instruction to apply the 2nd alternative in 1.8.2 for dates? Or does this become too confusing? 
Policy Statement for 1.8.2 (Form of numerals), 2nd Alternative LC practice for Alternative (2nd): Do not apply the alternative.
Manon's question: Should we add a new PCC Policy Statement that says to apply this alternative to rare materials? If so, how to express that it should not be applied "across the board" (e.g., we would supply arabic numerals in brackets after roman numerals for a date of publication in the 26X field but not after roman numerals in series numbering in the 490 field)? Would we need to specify those elements to which it would apply? 

I think we would need to specify, but the trick is to do it succinctly. I can make a stab at it but ask for suggestions from others. Perhaps something along the lines of: "For rare materials, supply arabic numerals in brackets for dates in Production/Publication/Distribution/Manufacturer elements when transcribing years expressed in words or in non-arabic numerals" 
Policy Statement for 1.8.3 (Numbers expressed as words) LC practice/PCC practice: For rare serials, record numbers in the form in which they appear on the source of information (see DCRM(S) 0G, 3A3).
Manon's question: This Policy Statement was added in the Feb. 2015 update to reflect an instruction found in the CSR. However, wouldn't it also apply to other rare materials. Should a parallel instruction get added to the BSR and the Policy Statement expanded from "rare serials" to "rare materials"? What about copyright date though? It isn't a transcribed element in either DCRM or RDA, though you have the option to "transcribe" the copyright date or the entire copyright statement in a note if you want.  

I think this is okay, but do others have strong opinions otherwise?

Nina M. Schneider
Chair, RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee

Rare Books Librarian
William Andrews Clark Memorial Library
2520 Cimarron Street
Los Angeles, CA  90018
(323) 731-8529

nschneider at humnet.ucla.edu

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