[DCRM-L] OCLC's IR webinar (May 13)

Allison Rich allison_rich at brown.edu
Thu May 14 15:31:48 MDT 2015

Hi Karen:

> Furthermore, the Harvard Library has 30 OCLC symbols in use; I asked in the 11am webinar if individual libraries would be able to view the others' LBD. The response was that we would only be able to view the symbol associated with the login.  Speaking personally, I can't imagine that the LBD would ever be more useful than Harvard's shared local catalog (or even the notes on our old catalog cards, for that matter).
Ah interesting. Then I heard that wrong. I apologize for making that 
claim then.
As that is the case then searching in HOLLIS will give you a far better 
idea than LBDs!!

> I also found the statement that no end of life date has been determined for Connexion quite ominous.  More generally speaking, I found the responses were often very vague and didn't necessarily answer the question being asked in a meaningful way.
Very much agreed, Honor. The answers were very vague that way and most 



"Outside of a dog,
a book is probably man's best friend,
and inside of a dog,
it's too dark to read.
- Groucho Marx"

Allison Rich
Rare Materials Cataloguer
ESTC and NACO Coordinator

John Carter Brown Library
Providence, Rhode Island
Allison_Rich at brown.edu


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