[DCRM-L] 510 citation form for record in British Library online catalog

O'Brien, Iris Iris.O'Brien at bl.uk
Fri Sep 25 05:06:48 MDT 2015

Dear Manon,

I have checked with our Primo Team and they would like our catalogue to be cited as "Explore the British Library". Unfortunately, I didn't get a reply about the permalink question from them.

Kind regards,


Iris O'Brien
Early Printed Collections Cataloguing and Processing Manager
The British Library
St Pancras
96 Euston Road
Tel.: +44 (0)20 7412 7731
E-mail: iris.o'brien at bl.uk

From: dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu [dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu] on behalf of Manon Theroux [manon.theroux at gmail.com]
Sent: 22 September 2015 02:12
To: DCRM Revision Group List
Subject: [DCRM-L] 510 citation form for record in British Library online catalog

SCF has instructions for citing records in online catalogs at the bottom of this page:

Here is the model I want to follow:
510 4_ $a English short title catalogue, $c entry R202726 $u http://estc.bl.uk/R202726

Here is the record I want to cite:

Is the name of the catalog "Explore the British Library"?? Or maybe it's "Main catalogue"??

510 4_ $a Explore the British Library, $c entry 004839781
510 4_ $a British Library. Main catalogue, $c entry 004839781

I took the 510 $c from the MARC 001 field, called the "Identifier" in the public display.

I'd like to add a 510 $u as well but the URL for the record is so long and ugly. Is there an easy way to construct "Permalinks" for records in this catalog?

I'm not really familiar with Primo discovery layers ...



Manon Théroux
Head of Technical Services
U.S. Senate Library
Washington, DC 20510

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