[DCRM-L] Question concerning the use of RBMS Binding Terms for artists' bindings

Jason Dean jwdean at southwestern.edu
Fri Apr 28 07:42:19 MDT 2017


It seems to me that using a

655 _7 $a [binding term] $2 rbbin $5 [MARC code for your organization]

would serve your purposes. However, I am interested to hear what our
colleagues on the list say.



On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 8:33 AM, L'Écuyer-Coelho Marie-Chantal <
MC.Coelho at banq.qc.ca> wrote:

> [image: Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec]
> Dear colleagues,
> We have a small collection of artists’ bindings in our holdings (about 300
> titles) which we would like to describe using GF descriptors translated
> from *RBMS Binding Terms* (or *AAT*) from the *Répertoire des
> vedettes-matière* (*RVM*) team. In the application rules for *RBMS
> Binding Terms*, it is explained that:
> “Descriptions of bindings are for the most part copy-specific; even in the
> case of publishers' and edition bindings, variants often occur which
> frequently constitute the principal points of interest for those studying
> the bindings. Libraries doing original cataloguing should describe as
> desired the physical characteristics of their own copies; other libraries
> making later use of such cataloguing will need to evaluate the *655* entries
> for appropriateness to their own copies.”
> Since I am describing contemporary fine bindings—i.e. bindings usually
> made for one exemplar of a “mass” produced edition—there are, in most
> cases, several copies attached to the same bib record, out of which only
> one exemplar has been bound by a book artist. My question is therefore the
> following: would you recommend the use of binding terms in field 655 even
> though the descriptors only apply to some of the copies we own?
> I checked the MARC format, thinking perhaps I could use a $3 subfield, but
> it does not seem appropriate (it is use for a part of the resource, not for
> a part of the edition)…
> Many thanks for sharing your knowledge and expertise :)
> *Marie-Chantal L'Ecuyer-Coelho*
> Coordonnatrice
> Bibliothécaire responsable du traitement documentaire des collections
> iconographiques
> Direction du traitement documentaire des collections patrimoniales
> Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec
> 2275, rue Holt
> Montréal (Québec) H2G 3H1
> Téléphone : (514) 873-1101 <(514)%20873-1101>, poste 3730
> mc.coelho at banq.qc.ca
> www.banq.qc.ca
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*Jason W. Dean*
Director of Special Collections & Archives

Smith Library Center
Southwestern University
1001 E University Ave
Georgetown, TX 78626-6107

512-863-1221 (direct)
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