[DCRM-L] Fellowship posting 2019-- Hemingway in Idaho Research Fellowship

Mary Tyson mtyson at comlib.org
Tue Feb 19 08:11:42 MST 2019


Please excuse cross postings. I’m Mary Tyson, Director of Regional History in the Center of Regional History at The Community Library. We are the stewards of the Ernest and Mary Hemingway House here in Ketchum, Idaho, and are offering an excellent research or digital projects opportunity for a graduate student. The house was Hemingway’s final home and is in good shape. It's like a time capsule from the early 60s. Hemingway is buried in Ketchum along with his fourth wife Mary and other family and friends. We have the unique opportunity to tell an untold story of Hemingway in the American West through a place-specific historic site.

Here is the Job Summary (see attached for full description and application process):
The Community Library Center for Regional History welcomes applications from current graduate students in the humanities, literature, museum studies, library and information studies, preservation, cultural archives, or a related program for its professional fellowship program. The program has been designed to provide practical experience to graduate students interested in pursuing a career in a special collections and historic structure setting.
The Center for Regional History is the repository for the Ernest and Mary Hemingway House collections as well as central Idaho collections regionally known in the intermountain West. The Center’s users range from young students to scholars from around the world. For further information about the Center for Regional History, consult the library website: https://www.comlib.org/regional-history-about/.
Professional fellows will work on a project in an area of their specific interest within the Hemingway House collections and have a learning opportunity through the Hemingway House as a cultural landmark and the sense of place it affords. The fellow will also contribute to the integration of the Hemingway House collections, the Library’s Hemingway collections (including the oral history collection), and the Regional History Museum collections. Professional fellows will undertake and complete a research project based on their interests and skills, and the Library’s needs.

Please pass along this opportunity as you see fit! Thank you very much.

Best regards,
Mary Tyson

Mary Tyson
Director of Regional History
The Community Library

415 Spruce Avenue N
PO Box 2168, Ketchum, ID 83340
208.726.3493, ext. 103

comlib.org<http://www.comlib.org/> | Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/thecommunitylibrary/> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/ketchumlibrary><https://www.instagram.com/ketchumlibrary/>

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