[DCRM-L] Standard Citation Forms, October update

Jessie Sherwood jcsherwood at law.berkeley.edu
Mon Nov 2 14:51:03 MST 2020

The Standard Citation Forms editorial team added seven citation forms to
the database (www.rbsms.info/scf) in October:

   - Library of Congress. Catalogue of the library of Thomas Jefferson
   - Woodward, G.L. Check list of English plays, 1641-1700
   - Holmes, T.J. Increase Mather
   - Trumbull, J.H. List of books printed in Connecticut, 1709-1800
   - Green, R.L. Bibliography of A. Conan Doyle (2000 edition)
   - Cruzado, M. Bibliografiìa juriìdica mexicana
   - Diìez, D. Bibliografiìa del estado de Morelos

~ Jessie Sherwood, on behalf of the Standard Citation Forms Editorial Team:

   - Emily Baldoni
   - Valerie Buck (Co-Editor)
   - Matthew Ducmanas
   - Emily Epstein (Advisory Member)
   - Alison Greenlee
   - Rafael Linares Blasini
   - Kate Moriarty
   - Ann Myers (Advisory Member)
   - Jessie Sherwood (Co-Editor)

Jessie Sherwood, Ph.D., MLIS
Associate Librarian
The Robbins Collection
UC Berkeley, School of Law
Tel: 510.643.1236
jcsherwood at law.berkeley.edu
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