[DCRM-L] Question concerning 5B in DCRM(G)

L'Écuyer-Coelho, Marie-Chantal MC.Coelho at banq.qc.ca
Wed Jan 12 08:08:43 MST 2022

Good morning, dear fellow cataloguers :)

I would like to run something by you to see if it is DCRM(G) compliant.

I have to describe a contemporary work of art. It is a wall piece made up of 5 folded linocuts placed side by side (the artist's describe it as a 3D art print). I have coded position 06 of the leader with the value "r" since it is a tridimensional form but I still felt it was legitimate to use DCRM(G) because it is also a graphic work (but please, feel free to tell me if you think this is too much of a stretch).

Now the difficulty lies in describing the extent of the work. If I was to let my imagination run absolutely free, I would record something like : "5 folded prints forming 1 wall installation", but unfortunately, this is not how cataloguing works... On one hand, I see there are only a limited set of terms that may be used as SMD under 5B2.1; on the other hand, 5B4.3 deals with "multiple supports forming one image" and not "multiple supports forming one objet".

Perhaps I could opt for something like "5 prints forming 1 item" and mention the "folding" aspect somehow in 300 $b or in a note? Would it be acceptable to use 5B2.1 for a 3D piece?

As always, many thanks for your help and expertise!

Marie-Chantal L'Ecuyer-Coelho
Bibliothécaire responsable du traitement documentaire des collections iconographiques et de l'ISNI
Direction des métadonnées et de la normalisation bibliographiques
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec

2275, rue Holt
Montréal (Québec) H2G 3H1
Téléphone : (514) 873-1101, poste 3730
mc.coelho at banq.qc.ca<mailto:mc.coelho at banq.qc.ca>

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